Book Title: Spiritual Place Of Epistemological Tradition In Buddhism
Author(s): Ernst Steinkellner
Publisher: Ernst Steinkellner

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Page 15
________________ (11) cf. the legendary report of its composition in Bu-ston's history (transl. Obermiller, 150). (12) Dignaga, On Perception, being the Pratyaksapariccheda of Dignaga's Pramanasamuccaya rom the Sanskrit fragments and the Tibetan versions, translated and annotated by Masaaki Hattori, Cambridge, Mass., 1968. (13) First drawn by M. Nagatomi (cf. note 22), 266. (14) In accordance with Hattori's note 1.3. (15) cf. T.Vetter, Erkenntnisprobleme bei Dharmakirti. Wien 1964, 32f. (translated in the af pendix). (16) However, I have not seen so far a real formulation (prayoga) of this proof, or a series of such formulations comparable, e.g. with the formulations in dGe-lugs-pa-exegeses of the pran āṇasiddhi-chapter (cf. my paper: Tshad ma'i skyes bu. Meaning and Historical Significance of the Term, Proceedings of the Csoma de Körös Symposium Velm-Wien, Wien 1983, n.19) -earlier than the "commentarial" text from the appendix to the Pramāṇavārttikavṛtti, 521, 5-13 (cf. T.Kimura, Pramanavarttika, Pramanasiddhi-shō ni tsuite. Tohoku Indogaku Shūkyōgakkai, Ronshu 2, 1970, 64ff. (17) M.Nagatomi, Manasa-Pratyakṣa: A Conundrum in the Buddhist Pramāņa System, San krit and Indian Studies, ed. M. Nagatomi et al., Boston 1979, 243-260. (18) loc.cit. 246; the quotation is from Hattori, loc. cit., 73. (19) loc.cit., 246 (20) ibid.; cf. Vetter, loc. cit., 33, where he refers to Dharmakirti's derivation of the truth al out the means of valid cognition from the words of the Buddha in the four concluding verses of the pramana-siddhi-chapter (PV II 282-285). (21) Introductory notes on the Pramāṇavārttika Based on Tibetan Sources, The Tibet Journal 4.2, 1979, 6-28. (22) The whole pramanasiddhi-chapter of his Pramāṇavārttika presents itself as a commentary on this verse. Cf. E. Frauwallner, Die Reihenfolge und Entwicklung der Werke Dhar nakirti's, Asiatica. Festschrift Friedrich Weller, Leipzig 1954, 143f.; M. Nagatomi, The Framework of the Pramāṇavārttika Book I, JAOS 79, 1959, 263-266; T.Kimura, Pramāṇavārtt ka, Pramāṇasiddhi-shō ni tsuite. Tohoku Indogaku Shūkyōgakkai, Ronshu 2, 1970, 54-68. (23) Cf. the introductory sentences in Pramāṇavārttika(sva)vṛtti (ed. Gnoli) 1,8f., and Pram naviniscaya I (ed. Vetter) 30, 12f. (24) Vetter, loc. cit., 32. (25) Cf. E. Frauwallner, Die Erkenntnislehre des klassischen Samkhya-systems, WZKS 2, 1958, 84-139. 15 -


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