Book Title: Sambodhi 1976 Vol 05
Author(s): Dalsukh Malvania, H C Bhayani
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad

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Page 13
________________ Historical data in the Tllakamanjant of Dhanapala Dhanapala has referred to Candraketu sovereign of Sinhala haring Rangasala for its Capital where be bad a son Samaraketu who was bado: the chief commander of the forces and sent on an expedition to Help the king of Kancı, Kusumasekhara by name, who was on the perils of his wits ía so far as Vajrayudha, the army to chief and the administrator of Dakpinapatha appointed by Meghavahana, supreme sovereign of Bbgtatava varsa and Uttarapatha, bad avowed to chaatise bim in case be did not hand over his daughter Malayasundari to him in marriage. The ultimate auccess of Samaraketu in winning the hand of Malayasundarı after under going the ordeal of a chivalrous feat in war against Vajrayudha who defeated bim and captured him alive only to present him to the court of Meghavahana who took him as the foster brother to his aon Harivahana and as a foster son to blmself, Harivahana likewise, succeeded in winding the band of Tilakamanjari, the Vidyadhara princess, daughter of Cakrasena, the overlord of the Vidyadharas, having his capital at Rathanaputa. cakravala and grand-daughter of Vicitravirya king of Valjayanti, settled in the region of Suvela mountain near the Ceylonese island etc.-are tie' main historical facts described by the poot in his romance. Ho has also referred to the ravage of Vaijayanti, the capital of Vicitravirya by an enemy-vassal named Jitadatru (P 342 Sm.ed.) According to Dr. D C. Sırcar' [ksvakus of the Andhradega having Vasişthiputrasantamula (or chantamala) I for the earliest kings after the rule of the Satavahanas, represented a branch of the celebrated Ikavaku dynasty of Ayodhya which migrated to the Deccan and settled thote. The Ik vækus of the far south had had their capital at Vijayapurl situated 10 the valley of the Nagarjuna Konda bills. This dynasty came to an end after having Mathariputra Virapurugadatta and Ebuvula Santamala II (1.o. by the close of the 3rd Cent, A.D.) Nothing tangible ia known regarding! the history of Ayodhya after the period upto the reign of the Pratdhxrast who bad this part of the country under their sway. Śrāvasti Vişaya and Śravastıbhukti are mentioned as adininistrativo unita of that ompire under Mahendrapala (A.D. 870-910).100 The region of Ayodhys seems to have gono under the control of the early rulers of tho Gahadvala dynasty which later on established its authority over Kagauj and Varanasi, 101 3 Yagovigraha, according to Dr. Buddba Prakash, the first known meln. ber of the Gahadwala family, is described as a noble poršoriage who lived after the demise of the kings of the Solar race. The Candravati gripa tions (V. S. 1150 and 1156) add the following details. "The Keatre dynasty in which Yalovigraha was born, forcibly occupied Kanyakudid after the destruction of the descendants of king Devapala." This ruler has been identified with the Pratibara king Devapala. 102 Yagovigraha's son


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