whereof these men continue to regard the body as the soul over and over again.x
13. He, taking the body for his real self, thinks the body to be his soul; whereas he who knows the soul to be his real self sepers all connection with the body.
14. The body, being mistaken for the soul, is taken to be wife, child, and so on ; one so deluded thinks himself enriched by these (delusious) ;-Oh! the world has really been much misled!
15. The root of this misery viz., the circle of birth and death is none other than this false knowledge which identifies the body with the soul. Freeing oneself from this delusion, and not allowing the senses to relate them. selves to external objects, one should concen. trate himself within (that is to say should try to realize the subjective soul).
16. Being misled by way of the senses into the objective, like one under the effect of
X That is to say in every birth after death; in future incarnations.
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