89. Those who cling to particular forms of religion X. through distinctions such as signs and caste and the like, they too never find the highest sphere of âtman.
90. The deluded attach themselves to that very thing* to be free from which they give up enjoyments of every kind, and learn to turn away from thatt to attain which they make all the said sacrifice.
91. As, on acconnt of contact, the sight of the lame is attributed to the blind, I so the deluded, not understanding the distinction (of body and self), attributes, through contact, the sight of âtman to the body.
92. As one who understands the distinction does not attribute the sight of the
X As the religion of the Veda, and the like. * Viz the body. + Viz åtman.
* This is the patent example of the lame going upon the shoulder of the blind and guiding his way, used by the Sankhya to indicate the relation of Purusha and Prakrti (mind and matter).
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