35. He alone sees the essence of Sell, the waters of whose mind stand stil', being ever undisturbed by the waves of love, hate and their likes;-He indeed is himself that Essence. To none else is this possible.
36. The mind held in perfect calmn is the essence of Self, whereas the mind distracted hither and thither is the illusion of Self; it is meet therefore to hold the mind steadily in peace, and not to allow it to be distracted on any account.
37. The mind overpowered by the force of impressions derived from the constant action of avidyâ runs in all directions ; it settles into the Essence, of its own accord, through the force of impressions arising from real knowledge.
38. He feels the force of insult and its likes whose mind is open to disturbance; he whose mind knows no disturbance has nothing to do with insult and the like.
39. When through delusion * arise love
X That is to say through the rise of what are called the delusive karma (mohaniya-karmodaya).
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