Sallekhana in Practice
Bala Deva was another daṇḍanāyaka. He had a son by name Singamayya whose wife was Siriya Devi. This inscription of A. D. 1139 records the death of Singamayya who had full faith at the feet of Jina, was very popular with all his relatives, and devoted to the Munis. He had become famous for his generosity. When his end was near, he adopted the vow at the feet of the great Jina, meditated upon the expressions (i. e. the five namokāra mantras), destroyed all kinds of attachments and passion, became deeply engrossed in the meditation of the blessed and went to the home of Indra. This memorial was put up in the Mantapa to the North of Parsvatirthara Done by his wife Siriya Devi, the lay disciple of Śrī Prabhacandra Siddanta Deva in the Saka year 1061 on the 12th day of the bright half of Kartika."
Śrī Prabhacandra Deva seems to have had a large number of disciples. Bala Deva danḍanayaka was one of them. He was unequalled in firmness, glory, goodness and generosity. He was a Rama in battle, a Bhima in daring, a modern Śreyamsa in making liberal gifts, skilled in the Anuprekṣās of the Jain faith and protector of the Dharma. He saw that his end was near and took the vow. With very great devotion at the glorious feet of Sri Jina, contemplating upon the five expressions (i. e. Ņamokāra mantra) with joy, cutting off all attachments and destroying all the evil passions and in the presence of his Guru, Baladeva attained the state of the immortals (amara gatiyam padedam). His mother Nagiyakka and his sister Eciyakka erected the memorial - a reading hall - and made a gift of it to Prabhacandra Deva (1139 A. D. )14
Jain Education International
There is yet another instance of a lady taking the vow of Sallekhana and reaching the world of gods as recorded in the inscription which is located in the mantapa to the right of Yaraḍakatte temple. In the Saka year 1044 (1142 A. D.) Lakṣmiambike or Lakkavve, the wife of Ganga Rāja took the vow of Samnyāsa. She was the lay disciple of Subhacandra
73. Ibid., Vol. II, Ins. 52 (142).
74. Ibid., Vol. II, Ins. 51 (141).
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