Sallekhana in Practice
Rāmacandra-Maladhāri. This was during the reign of Hariyappa Vodeyara ( 1352 A. D.).14
Candrakīrti Vratīndra attained the divine state of Salvation on the 5th day of the month of Aśvina in Saka year 1278 ( 1356 A. D.) after cutting off all ties and praising the supreme parameșthis. The same inscription refers to Perumāļu mahiša, the son of Machiraje and Mālambike, as having attained salvation in the Saka year 1274 (1352 A. D.). His elder brother's wife Allambe attained the divine state in Śaka year 1290 ( 1368 A. D.). While Perumala Devarasa and Permmi. Devarasa were ruling the kingdom in peace in Hullanahalli, they caused to be erected for their benefit in this world and in the next, the lofty Caityalaya called Trijagan-mangalam and installed the image of god Māņikya-deva. They repaired other temples and made land grants.15
On Friday, the 5th day of the dark half of the month of Aśvina Plavanganāma Samvatsara (1367 A. D.), Gorava Gauda who was the disciple of Virasena-deva adopted the vow of samnyásana and died repeating the pañca-namaskāra. The devotee who died was a votary of Ratnatraya (three jewels ), was the son of Avaliya Becha-Gaundan and the younger brother of Canda Gaundan. He went to heaven by observing the vow of samnyäsana (sainnyásana samādhi vidhiyim svarga präptiyadanu ). He was the protector of men of learning and always engaged in charity (1366 A. D. ).16 About 29 years later Kāmi-gaundi who was the niece of Bechigaundan adopted the vow of samnyásana and went to heaven. Her Guru was Siddhānti-yatīša, the royal preceptor. She was the wife of Kāma Rāmanna and was noted for her chastity. She attained salvation (nākamam nere padeda!). This was during the reign of Harihara Rāya, on Wednesday, 11th day of the dark half of the month of Phalguna of Bhava Samvatsara (1395 A. D.).17 Another inscription records that one Malagounda, the son of Siriyama 14. Ibid., Vol. II, Ins. 41 (65). 16. Ibid., Vol. VIII, Ins. 125. 15. Ibid., Vol. VIII, Ins. 110.
17. Ibid., Vol. VIII, Ins. 109.
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