Chapter Donation with the Sense of Dedication
Sense of dedication to a good cause is a wholesome attribute. Even birds and animals have dedication for their young ones. See the nest of a weaver-bird; how well-knit is it? Even an artist would marvel at it! Birds and animals have sometimes better sense of dedication than the human beings. That is evidenced by the attachment of a Säras (Indian crane) couple for each other. They willingly bear the strain, heat etc. for the sake of each other. Even human beings do not remain so faithful. Quite a few husbands nowadays keep aside the duty for their wives and spend the time in clubs.
In one adoration song for the Lord, the poet has presented the analogy of birds and has said, "Lord, I crave for you like a ruddy goose." That is an interesting analogy in this respect. Is our family life comparable to it? It should actually be higher, because we have not simply to live and die like the birds; our human life is meant to reach the state of immortality.
The journey of our life has been moving in that direction since we started it. We, however, remain unaware and pass the time in gossiping and other futile activities. We remain under the illusion of its continuity and overlook the fact that the journey is going to end one day. It is therefore necessary to sublimate our life before that time, as was done by Nem and Räjul. It may seem tough, but the