20 Chapter 1 Open and Unprejudiced Mind
We are now going to consider the eleventh attribute for being religious. Only those, who have open and unprejudiced mind, can think of the true nature of religion. That is called having an objective approach. Simultaneously with the objectivity, one should also be calm and quiet. How is it possible to think objectively for a person, who cannot quietly deal with the issues occurring in his life?
Objectivity denotes absence of excessive affection or disaffection. The human mind is very fickle and cannot think objectively and correctly unless it has been trained for the purpose. Let us elaborate it with an illustration. There were two pupils; one was prudent and discretionary, the other was rash and devoid of discretion. Once they went to a learned Guru and asked for the way to be happy. The Guru instructed them to gain popularity, eat with taste and sleep at ease.
The first pupil had the insight to grasp the underlying meaning of the instructions. He made out that true popularity is gained by giving up expectations. As such, he gave up all desires and started becoming helpful to people without expecting anything in return. Due to his selfless approach, people started trusting him and he became very popular. Regarding food intake, he knew that those, who eat only when hungry, get the true taste of food. As such, he would eat when he had real appetite. Regarding sleep, he knew that one can get