Chapter Objective Approach
He who is truly religious, will have objective approach and tranquil perception. The first pupil in the last chapter had such an objective approach. Since he was also unprejudiced, he did not run down the other pupil and guided him to cultivate the right approach. Those who are free from acute sense of attachment or resentment, can make out the truth, and they can be bent towards the right path. Those who do not have the objectivity of mind, tend to stick to their opinions; they would think that what they feel is always right and that their approach is the only correct one.
Mistaken as such people are, it is hard to convince them to change their minds. There needs to be softness at heart in order to enable one to take a desirable turn. If the soil is wet, we can give it the shape we desire; if, however, it is dry, it would crack while trying to turn it. Similarly, those who do not have the objectivity of mind, fail to give up the wrong perception. They would persist in their approach and refuse to hear anything to the contrary. They thus remain devoid of right perception.
Simultaneously with the objectivity, if one is equipped with tranquility, he would not get agitated on minor issues; his equanimity would not disappear even in adverse circumstances. If one claims to have cultivated calmness and still becomes angry on one excuse or