Two Streams of Compassion
slip while climbing, but there is a greater possibility to slip while getting down. Property and power are more slippery, because people tend to praise those who hold them; hardly anyone dares to point out the faults of such persons.
Misery can be helpful even in gaining heavenly life. A bullock drawing a vehicle while getting beaten happens to eradicate its unwholesome Karmas and may be destined to reach its heavenly abode; on the other hand a happy man consumes his wholesome Karmas and hence may go downward. Human beings do not have the benefit of unplanned eradication of Karmas to the extent the animals have. Even though we might not be destined to gain the heavenly abode, we should at least remain careful to retain the human species.
Those who have restrained the instincts of anger, arrogance, deception and greed, can regain the human life. Inclination to donate can also help in gaining it, but for that purpose one needs to have the pleasure of giving in donation. As a loving wife is eager to see her husband, so does a religious person stay eager to get the opportunity to donate. The eagerness should be identical to that of a devotee waiting for the arrival of the Lord. When Lord Mahaveer was to terminate his fast, Jiran Sheth was eagerly waiting to receive him for the purpose. The termination actually took place elsewhere, but Jiran Sheth's devotion was great and he had made all arrangements to receive the Lord at his place.
Thus what really counts is not the external act, but the inclination for that purpose. It is possible to get the benefit of donating even without actually giving, if one has the sincere inclination to do so. Donation made with the intention to gain status or respect is a sort of bargain. When there is true inclination to donate, one feels pleased, gets elated to get the opportunity to do so. By having such inclination one becomes eligible to regain the human birth.
But this was a sort of diversion; let us turn back to our subject. Compassion towards the poor is material compassion; that for the