155 little distance from this city. In a grove of trees at the foot of that mountain there is a mango-tree which bears fruits for all the twelve months of the year. Bring some mangoes from there. My work is this much."
When Mahabal had entered the pyre, Malaya had prayed in meditation to Arihant Bhagwan. Mahabal returned to life as a result of his grace. When this time Malaya heard that her husband had gone to climb the top of the mountain, jump from there and bring mangoes, she sat down in meditation to "Panchaparmesthi."
Mahabal climbed the mountain. Down below there was a mango tree. He began to recite 'navakar' mantra. Then he closed his eyed and jumped down. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in the lap of a god. Mahabal was thinking as to who that god was and how he happened to be there. Immediately the god' said :