monkey, who was merciful, saw the whole situation and came ro the lower branch where Bheel was resting. She gave much consolation to him. The Bheel now rested his head upon the thighs of the femalemonkey and got asleep.
The tiger seeing this, said to the female monkey: "You push the man down to the ground. I am hungry for the last many days. I will satisfy my hunger. You and I both are inhabitants. of the forest. Man is always ungrateful. He is the permanent enemy of ours the animals. Your interest lies is throwing him down only. Then he will forget your good behaviour. I give you one illustration in support of my statement :
There lived a Brahmin named Shiv in one village. He was once going for a pilgrimage. He lost his way. His throut Idried of thirst because it was too hot.
After much searching, he got