Then he went to Muni Sooriraj. He bowed to him and expressed his doubts ;
“Bhagwan ! Where did the femalemonkey go after death pe?
The Muni : "O king !
The female-monkey who was of spiritual mind and benificent reached the abode of gods. A wife of one god who was equal in status to God Indra of Saudharmaloka was born in human world having fallen from the abode of gods. The gods who served her as Body-Guards had the husband of that goddess whether anybody will be come goddess or not. At that time, that god had replied that there are some monkeys tamed by King Haripal, near Harikanta city. Amongs those one female-monkey also stays. When she will die, she will become goddess.
O King ! On hearing this, one god શ્રેણી ૪ ભા. ૨૪