107 MARS corresponds to the red ray, and the metal is IRON. In occult language we are in the IRON AGE.
All Bible history and the world from its beginning has been in the RED ray, and all who function in RED are active during this time, and the Ruler is the Master of the RED ray: all the others are functioning, but are complementary to the RED ray.
Each individual has his own colour, indicating what he must strive for. The higher up in the spectrum the colour of the individual, the more evolved is the soul. When one colour is attained, he must strive to progress to the next.
ORANGE is the colour of Pranic Life Force, which flows in the blood. It is cheerful, forceful, having the Sun as its symbol of life, spirituality, and physical state.
RED and ORANGE are masculine colours. The metal of Orange is GOLD. It is the highest metal, and has been debased for barter.
GREEN is a feminine colour. It is the middle note in Nature. F-natural, for Fa, in music. Like the green in the spring, it excites a desire to grow, to do, to create, to accomplish. Green indicates the highest point attainable by physical man and nature. It is the keynote of the physical plane. It is the colour of worldly power