THE POWER OF KARMA and enter upon a new phase of development and expansion. The range of vibrations with which the ego is brought into contact is then extended immeasurably, and the orderly progression which is observable throughout the Universe will be continued under these unfamiliar conditions of life. From this point of view, there is no need to hurry in the desire to explore the supraphysical regions, while our work here demands our attention. It must not be inferred from this statement that I deprecate psychical research and inquiry into the Unseen, but I submit that such studies are not essential to progress, as some writers seem to imply. The opportunity to acquire such knowledge will arrive for all in due time.
So much has been written on these subjects that it is, I suppose, a matter of common knowledge that the astral body reveals the character of its owner in every detail, and that it constitutes a record of thoughts, actions, and inclinations, of loves and hates, and aspirations. At the end of life on earth this record determines the place of the liberated soul on entering the next stage of existence. It will find itself in the company of those with whom it has affinity, or, in other words, goes to its own place. This fact disposes of many theories and arguments about