THE POWER OF KARMA those of the physical body, and accordingly the substance of the physical body differs from that of the astral. In order to liberate the activities of the astral body from the bonds of physical matter so that it may freely contact the range of vibrations beyond physical matter, it is necessary to reduce the body to a less assertive state. Fasting, concentration of the mind, and prayer tend to refine the physical vehicle and quicken the astral organism. Under hypnosis and during sleep the astral body has an opportunity of functioning in comparative freedom. It is to be noted that in either case, the astral body is, so far as the average individual is concemed, not completely under control of the individual. This fact is indicated by the confused imagery and shadowy records of most dreams.
Astral travelling is a fact, whether people like to believe it or not, and is controlled by two types of vibrations. One is a very rapid vibration known as telepathy, and the other is a fairly slow vibration known as clairvoyance : the former works best in a blue light, and the latter works best in an orange-red vibration. I have demonstrated the truth of this very clearly during the last few months to several scientific friends when I was up north.
In sleep, telepathy prevails in the “ordinary"