THE POWER OF KARMA The Red ray is associated with life-force, struggle and mastery.
The Orange ray is associated with physical vitality.
The Yellow ray with intellectual power, and mental activity.
The Green ray with spiritual development and growth on all planes ; a cheerful, energizing colour.
The Blue ray with devotion, serene faith, and mental poise.
The Indigo ray with the attainment of poise and controlled power, resulting in harmony.
The Violet ray with healing, and the utilization of force drawn from higher planes.
The RED ray is the Spiritual Life Force (although its complementary colour, green, is good for spiritual development). By working through the RED ray there are those who came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (Revelation vii, 13-14). MosT REFERENCES IN THE BIBLE AS TO BLOOD REFER TO THE RED RAY.
RED is the colour of the life-force, but not of PRANA (orange) (see Ch. 1, "Powers That Be"). RED has the lowest vibration; the lowest aspects of red are, warmth-passion and war. The higher aspects are, strength-courage and love.