3. “Logos in Philosophy, Religion and Science" (August 1995) A paper presented at the 71h International Confereeence on Greek Philosophy on the Philosophy of Logos at Samos - Patmos, Greece, during August 1995. 4. "Education for Peace in Schools* (Jan 2004) A paper read at the International Conference on World Peace (ICWP) on Dec- 31, 2003 & Jan 1, 2, 2004 at Ahmedaabad (Guj) India 5. “Concept of Beauty in Vedanta” (February, 2000) A paper read at the 'Three Day National Seminar on 'Epistemology and Metaphysics of Advait Philosophy” at Dept. of Philosophy, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. 6. "Tantra and Philosophy" (March 2002) A paper presented at the Seminar on Tantra ('Tantra in Art, Literature and Philosophy') jointly organised by Birla Archaeological and Cultural Research Institute, Salar Jung Museum and Osmania University, Hydrabad (AP), India, during March 1 and 3. 2002. 7. "Education of the Future (July, 2007) A paper presented at the 19th International Conference on Greek Philosophy on 'Education in the Global Era' at Island of Samos - Pythagorian, in Greece during July 11-21, 2007. 8. "Values and Justice” (July, 2006) A paper presented at the 18th International Conference on 'Values and Justice in the Global Era', at Kavala - Grece between 20th and 271h July 2006.
9. "The Role of Beauty as a value in Everyday Life" (August, 1999) A paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Greek Philosophy on the topic of Greek Philosophy and The Fine Arts at the Agean Island of Lesvos in the town of Mitymna, Greece between August 20-26, 1999.
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