The Role of Beauty as a Value in Everyday Life
In ancient India the seers of Vadas and Upanishads sang : “O Loard, Lead me from untruth to truth, from ugniness (darkness) to Beauty (light), from death of immortality.”
To conclude all these, it is enough to say that Right Living in todays life is only possible if Beauty, not just as a value, but as the most valuable value becomes the guiding force to man and society, both. 5. CONCLUSION :
Having seen Beauty in its philosophical and axilogical aspects, we have also noted how its importance still prevails. Like every value, Beauty as a value has its ideal or eternal aspect as well as its practical or changing aspect. Apart from the details with which I presented the content, there is a serious impression we all become conscious of. The impression is of a 'worry'. Let us not neglect beauty or let us not be illusive to so-called, inferior, low or vulgarised beauty. I started with and again I repeat, 'let us worry about beauty (pure and real) first the truth will take care of ifself.” By being worried, I simply mean being concerned about beauty; an effort to go from ugliness (of thought, of feelings and of action; of head, heart and soul) to beauty, from beauty to Divine-Beauty.
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