No. 46. Sûtrakritângatikâ. By Sîlâp kâchârya. Samvat 1455 = A.D. 1399;
No. 47. Anuyogadvârachûrni. By Mahasena. Samvat 1456 = A.D. 1400.
No. 48. Sravakâtichâra. Samvat 1466 =A.D. 1410.
Of the palm-leaf manuscripts in the smaller Phophalia Pado bhandar, the following seven are dated.
No. 1. Upamitibhavaprapanchakathâ. By Siddharshi. Samvat 1261=A.D. 1205.
No. 2. Jitakalpachûrni. With the Commentary of Srichandra. Samvat 1284= A.D. 1223.
No. 3. Antarângasandhi. By Ratnaprabha. Samvat 1392= A.D. 1336.
No. 4. Sabdanuśâsana. By Hemachandra. Samvat 1297=A.D. 1241.
No. 5. Vitarâgastotra and other prakaranas, including the Vivekamanjarî of Asada. Samvat 1372= A.D. 1316.
No. 6. Kavyânusâsanavřitti and Chhandonusâ sanarritti. By Hemachandra. Samvat 1390= A.D. 1334.
No. 7. Pratyekabudhacharitra. Samvat 1398= A.D. 1342.
The library in the Sanghavînopado at Pâtan is known to be peculiarly rich in palm-leaf manuscripts. A list, with extracts, was prepared for Dr. Bühler by Narayana Shastri of Surat ; but it has not been thought expedient to publish it in the absence of further examination in situ of the manuscripts themselves. I hope I may be able to present it, after such examination, in my next report. On the present occasion I was unable to obtain admission to this bhandar on account of the absence of the priest in whose charge it is. His people showed me, however, the books contained in a box that was lying in the outer court of the bhandar; and by good luck four of these were palmleaf ones. Two are incomplete, and seem to be fragments of
different books. A third is a copy of the The Raghuvilasana.
.drama by Ramachandra, the famous one-eyed taka of Ramachandra.
pupil of Hemachandra, which was first brought to notice by Dr. Bübler. (No. 760 in his collection of 1875-6.