realization, and the true nature of soul becomes manifest. Doubts initially arising in the matter come to the rest by resorting to patience and contemplation. Becoming impatient or indulging in unnecessary thoughts results in giving up of own benefit. By remaining attached to the ephemeral objects one has to roam in the worldly life again and again.
"I am happy to note that you have a desire to contemplate about the soul. Therein I do not have any personal interest. The innate satisfaction arises to see that you want to get to the right path and thereby you will get the opportunity to retreat from the worldly affliction." (570)
Shrimad writes in the letter of six fundamentals addressed to Lallujiswämi;
"The enlightened beings have exhorted the teaching of these Six Fundamentals in order to remove the sense of ego and attachment of the worldly soul arising from its dreaming state, which has been prevailing since the time without beginning. If the soul realizes that its true nature is beyond that dreaming state, it would easily be awake and gain the right perception. By gaining the right perception, it would attain liberation in the form of realizing its true Self. Sense of exultation, grief or other interaction would not occur to it from any perishable, impure or such other mode. That contemplation would lead it to experience, from the close proximity, its own natural purity, perfection, imperishability and boundless pleasure.
"It has been identifying itself with the worldly states out of ignorance of Self. It would now gain clear, visible, vivid and manifest experience of being entirely distinct from such states. The interaction with the perishable or such other objects would not be considered by it as desirable or undesirable. It would feel gratified by knowing and experiencing its own true Self as being the abode of perfect greatness, free from the affliction of birth, old age, death, disease etc. All those, who are convinced of the soul by the words of supreme beings in the form of these Six Fundamentals, have realized their true state. They have been freed from worries, disease, afflictions and all other interactions; it happens at present and will happen in future.
"It is not possible to define the attributes of the saintly people, the adoption of whose instructions leads to manifestation at ease of true Self as evidenced by these Six Fundamentals, and by which the soul attains everlasting bliss and gains fearlessness. The saints have conferred the unrewardable supreme disposition, without desiring anything whatsoever, by virtue of their innate compassion, and yet they have never even conceived that so and so is my pupil or is mine, because he is my devotee. Repeated obeisance with intense devotion be to such saintly people.
"Those saints have urged devotion for true Guide solely for the benefit of pupils. They have urged it so that the tendency of the pupils may stay towards the state of Guide's soul; self indulgence may come to an end by witnessing his unprecedented attributes and self-realization may occur at ease. Repeated and all time obeisance be to that devotion and to those saintly beings." (493)
Emergence of right thinking:- "Thinking is the principal factor in gaining enlightenment. Vairägya (absence of attachment towards worldly pleasures) and Upasham (very low defilement, disaffection for it) are the two pillars for rise of thinking. As such, one should continually keep them in mind and bring out that state.
"Thinking does not generally arise without appropriately assimilating the words of saints. That assimilation occurs by uniquely and devoutly resorting to the shelter of the saint, because conviction about him is incomparably helpful in getting the beneficence. ... For a true liberationseeker, the devout Shelter of a saint serves as the best means for removing the ego and bringing out the thinking state within a short time." (706)
State of equanimity:- "Those, who hold neither affection nor disaffection towards any one, who have neither friend nor foe, who are above respect or disrespect, advantage or disadvantage, joy or lamentation, birth or death, as well as all other sorts of duality and have stabilized within pure