Book Title: Journey to Enlightenment Part 01
Author(s): Chitrabhanu, Chetana Catherine Florida, Nirmala Hanke, Raksha Penni Helsene
Publisher: Create Space
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October 1991: God in You
When you take time to meditate, what you find is God in you. Each letter in God, G-O-D, represents a specific trait. First, you must experience that certain Generating energy, the “G” of God. That energy is not outside; it is within. G is the generator, the creator of electricity. Say, “This is in me. I am life. I am consciousness, I am sentient energy.” I am awareness but my awareness is clouded because of desire, of greed, of all kinds of egobased ideas. What I have to do is uncover, I have to bring out the quality from inside. It is a diamond with its radiance within. As we go on polishing the diamond, the radiance comes out. But it is a rough diamond. What is required is the art of polishing. When we break our ego and go on polishing, we find the radiance: insight intuition, and premonition. You get many, many insights and you will be surprised by your reservoir of knowledge. A reservoir of knowledge within!
The second essential is the “O” and the “O” of God is to Organize. Organize gradually, one by one, everything. Every day we have to organize. It should not be chaotic. There are so many things in the world and how many things are we going to collect? And even if we collect only one, we are going to keep them and if we keep them - from one day to another, one year to another - think of how much time will be consumed. All that time for material things? We don't realize that if we are not there, somebody else is going to arrange our material things. When we realize that we are sentient energy, we use our time to bring wellbeing of living. We need some good food, some good apartment, some good transportation, and other necessities, but after that we need something more: we need to organize our life and this is the “O” of God. We can start from this day and say, “I want to organize my life and whatsoever is extra, I have to cut off and take out." We go to a barber to get a haircut to look nice and where there are extra lengths, we have them cut off. By trimming and cutting our ways, we are depositing each day in our spiritual bank. A capacity to organize brings the greatest capacity to life. A person who has this capacity is really an executive. Any time a call can come, and he/she is ready.
The “G” is the generator: the “O” is the organizer and the third essential is very important: the “D” stands for Delete. We delete those things, which are not helpful, which are burdens. When we go for a haircut, we have the useless hair cut and we pay money for that. The barber takes your hair but still you pay, because it needs to be deleted. In the same way, every day what is not necessary, delete it before you rest your head on your pillow. “This is not useful! This is not needed!” We are like children collecting cars, stamp books: even if we are not using them, we keep them. We have to outgrow our childhood. So the third necessity is to delete. Delete those things, which are useless and destroy those things which are burdening you, physical or mental.
Around us there are accidents, there are diseases, and there are so many happenings. But calamities are not coming from nature; they are coming from our own uncontrolled greed and desire. That is what creates things! The basic principle I am talking about is not from
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