Book Title: Journey to Enlightenment Part 01
Author(s): Chitrabhanu, Chetana Catherine Florida, Nirmala Hanke, Raksha Penni Helsene
Publisher: Create Space
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Creating a New Aura
In meditation, thinking is sinking into living. That is what meditation is for. Positive thoughts go deep inside, settling into you, nourishing you. The inner experience was lost when people started only preaching and disconnected themselves from the contemplative life. Nowadays, we see much teaching and talking and less time for meditation and practice.
Parents took their son, a very sensitive child, to church one Sunday. They were there for an hour and a half and when they came out, the parents asked, "Did you enjoy the service?" The child replied, "The music was all right, but the commercial was too long." What we need is music inside. Silence and contemplation are music, living is music, and the mantra is music.
In the Eastern countries, when people have emotional problems, they use mantras to transform the emotions into something positive. They transcend darkness and use the emotions in another way. Heavy negative feelings are like garbage; they can become litter and create a hazardous mess, or you can use them as compost and they become a means for your growth. They become fertilizer for your inner garden. As fertilizer, they nourish life. Even science is touching some of the ancient teachings, the secrets and their meaning. In paintings, around the heads of all the great teachers you see a halo, a circle of light. This is an aura and it is not only a symbol, it is reality. Kirlian photography now has shown that each living thing in this world is emanating rays of energy. You can see it even in stones or plants. It is not a great mystery; it is a direct scientific observation. Each thing in this world has rays, an aura of energy.
This energy can be violent or loving, destructive or creative. It is manifested in many ways. The same electricity can be used for many machines and appliances. In the same way our energy is manifesting in many different ways, according to our state of meditation, observation, contemplation, and living. If you have negative energy which bothers you and makes you jittery and nervous, you can transform it and let the same energy help you to calm down and erase old conditions. You may have known these conditions through analysis, but knowing is not enough. To know an obstacle is one thing, but to transform it is another thing. Many people know that smoking is not good, but when the time comes to give it up they are helpless.
Once a thing becomes a habit, it is difficult to remove. It forms a groove. It is like a scratch on a piece of furniture. If you want to remove it, you have to do more than simply dust or polish the surface. You have to go a little deeper and take it off with sandpaper. Habits are like scratches on the beautiful furniture of our heart. You may try to dust them away, but they are not dustable.
Using a Mantra
When these habits have gone very deep, you need a new method to remove them. Here the mantra is like an eraser. It is a transformer for your energy. You are working again and
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