Book Title: Journey to Enlightenment Part 01
Author(s): Chitrabhanu, Chetana Catherine Florida, Nirmala Hanke, Raksha Penni Helsene
Publisher: Create Space
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May 1994: Lord Mahavira's World of Brotherhood and Sisterhood
Jaina is a science of living. There is also the science of materialism but Jaina is a science which works on the Law of Nature. The teaching of Jaina is harmonious with the Laws of Nature and what is not harmonious is not Jaina. It is imperative for man to study these laws of Jainism in order to make life free from suffering, being healthy, happy and peaceful.
Peaceful living is possible only when love and understanding of the universe permeate our lives, for they produce the solutions to tension and hostility that divide man from man and nation from nation. And it is for the men of letters, the artists and the thinkers to recapture the dignity of man by providing the idea of Ahimsa and Reverence for Life, thus creating a new vision for a world society.
The contribution of Jaina to mankind in its progress of evolution, has been, will be and is
Only with Ahimsa can peace be stabilized, progress be ensured, and the way cleared for development and prosperity.
Anekantavada is the basis of appreciating and understanding others' viewpoints, which consequently leads to a life that respects and reveres everybody and all living beings.
The philosophy of Aparigraha is one of working with, rather than against nature, of thoughtful observations, rather than thoughtless action. This adds to harmony and becomes the base for ecological alternatives.
We can tap the power of our senses, mind, heart and soul by nourishing our body and senses with vegetarian food, enlightening our mind with creative ideas, enriching our heart with love and reverence for life, and illuminating our soul with wisdom and self-realization.
When man overcomes the negative vibrations of antagonism and greed, he achieves good health, both physical and psychological. When he overcomes his prejudices and narrow pre-conditionings, he achieves wisdom. When he sets aside dogmas and fanaticism, he achieves understanding. When he conquers his hostility and hate, he achieves love and amity. In this way, Science has made The World a Neighborhood; the teachings of Lord Mahavira will make a world of Brotherhood and Sisterhood.
(On the Wings of Light and Love - 101