Book Title: Journey to Enlightenment Part 01
Author(s): Chitrabhanu, Chetana Catherine Florida, Nirmala Hanke, Raksha Penni Helsene
Publisher: Create Space
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The closer in touch you are with your dream, the closer you come to living your approach to life and to making your dream come true. For example, those souls who for a long period of time, in at least three or four births, deeply cherish a feeling to lift all living beings from pain, suffering, and violence become so engulfed with that longing that each cell of their consciousness is permeated by it. They are swimming in the dream of saving and helping living beings. Because of their compassionate vibrations of amity, gradually their whole consciousness becomes scented with feelings of helping all. Now there are no longer any heavy karmas binding them. Their positive vibrations take them to parents who are healthy and magnanimous. The mother who carries this child is superb, positive. Each cell of the body of this child is so vibrant with magnetic power that when people come into his or her presence they are lifted. In this birth, this soul receives a golden voice, a command over words, pleasing aroma in order to actualize one dream: to free all beings from suffering by bringing them to the path of Enlightenment.
Nothing is the world is impossible for mankind. Whatever miracle we see in the field of medicine, architecture, invention, is the result of human consciousness and power. Whatever spiritual growth we experience, comes from our longing to grow and to help others to grow.
What happens to many people is that their mental habits get in their way and take away the positive effect of their meditation. The newfound bliss, courage, zeal, and awareness are covered up again. So what is needed is constant realization and faith in oneself. Say to yourself, if someone can do it, why not I?
I Can Do It
Realize that the “I” that was there in the amoeba as an unconscious or subconscious individuality has reached the state of “I” can do it. “I cannot do it” is a conditioned feeling built by society and outside influences. To break that conditioning, swim against the current and work on "I can do it; I am capable of doing and undoing; I can erase those old vibrations which are collected and stored up from the past.” Analyzing them, you are cancelling them. Knowing which vibrations are coming in your way is dismissing them.
Who is compelling you to carry those vibrations which you do not want? No one but you. You have not removed them because you have not exerted your energy to remove them. When you realize "Who am I?” and “I can do it”, you are working with dynamic power. You stop all blaming and start taking some responsibility for yourself. You know the art of using living positive vibrations to scatter old negative ones.
Try writing down anything which bothers you, anything which you do not want, in a proper sentence on a blackboard in your mind. Then write down the positive things you do want on a whiteboard. Start erasing the blackboard items one by one, and then place your full attention on what you want. Using this method of visualizing, you will be able to change the focus of your consciousness completely.
When you are clear about what you want, you will not be tempted by that which you do not need. When you know yourself, you will know your quest. When you know your quest, you will know others' quests.
On the Wings of Light and Love - 135