Book Title: Journey to Enlightenment Part 01
Author(s): Chitrabhanu, Chetana Catherine Florida, Nirmala Hanke, Raksha Penni Helsene
Publisher: Create Space
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Don't make heavy with your emotions and don't make rules. Rules that the husband should do this, the wife should do this, the mother-in-law should do this, the father-in-law should do this, the daughter should do this. That way we slowly, slowly make our minds into fossils. We become rigid. And things don't work out the way we expect. We become jittery. We become angry. We become nasty. We become unhappy. And when we are alone with ourselves we ask, "Why did I become like that? It was not nice." So we feel bad also. Just be lighter sometimes. See life as a comedy. Take it as it is. It's funny. See the funny part in everything. Change your perception and don't make it so serious. Don't make everything into rules. And don't become so righteous. Too much righteousness will make you stiffer and stiffer. People are people, accept that and liberate yourself. Instead of worrying about the potholes, celebrate your journey!
The teachers who have got enlightenment, who have experienced their home, their essence, often went away for many years. What they were seeking was their origin. What they were. And going deeper, and deeper, and deeper, they realized themselves and found their origin, their root, their connection.
So when I read life is a comedy for those who think, I thought "There must be something extra." And I thought "Life is a journey for those who travel". It's a journey. We are all travelers. We don't follow the teacher's path, but our own path. We come to follow the path which leads to our home. We all have our own home. That happens when we are moving in the direction of liberation.
Life is a tragedy for those who emotionalize. And life is a comedy for those who think. Life is a journey for those who travel. Say, "I am a traveler. This is my journey. I will celebrate my journey with everyone, with all casts, all creeds, all sizes, all colors, all kind of peoples, all life." And, it is liberation. As we make our journeys and free ourselves from old habits, old pressures, old conditions, old stigmas, old words, and old programming, we liberate ourselves. So my friends, life is liberation. Freedom.
90- Journey to Enlightenment