दर्शनं देवदेवस्य, दर्शनं पापनाशनम्। दर्शनं स्वर्गसोपानं, दर्शनं मोक्षसाधनम्॥
शिवमस्तु सर्वजगतः, परहितनिरता भवन्तु
भूतगणाः । दोषा: प्रयांतु नाशं, सर्वत्र सुखीभवतु लोकः॥
Darshanam devadevasya
darshanam papanashanam.
Darshanam svargasopanam
darshanam mokshasadhanam.
Shivamastu sarvajagatah, parahitanirata bhavantu
bhutaganah, Doshah prayantu nasham, sarvatra sukhibhavatu
The vision and reflection of the Tirthankar's idol is the destroyer of all sins. It is a step towards the heavens, and is a means to the liberation of the soul.
May the entire universe attain bliss; may all beings be oriented to the interest of others; let all faults be eliminated; and may people be happy everywhere.
खामेमि सव्वजीवे, सव्वे जीवा खमंतु मे। मित्ती मे सव्व भुएसु, वेरम् मज्झ न केणइ॥
उपसर्गाः क्षयं यान्ति, छिद्यन्ते विघ्नवल्लयः। मन: प्रसन्नतामेति, पूज्यमाने जिनेश्वरे॥
Khamemi savvajive, savve jiva khamantu me, Mitti me savva bhuesu, veram majjha na kenai.
Upasargah kshayam yanti, chhidvante vighnavallayah, Manah prasannatameti, pujyamanejineshware.
I forgive all souls; may all souls forgive me. I am on friendly terms with all: 1 have no animosity towards anyone.
Allthe troubles disintegrate, the shackles of obstacles break, the mind achieves a blissful state wherever and whenever the Lord Jineshwars are worshiped.