Section III science of dharma
to discard karma
worship of knowledge destroys gyanavarniya karma
Snowledge is divine light. The absence 1 of knowledge is deep darkness. Study with humility. Do not forget what you have studied. Study silently Study with attention. Study new lessons everyday Increase your knowledge. Give reverence and respect to your teacher. Go to religious school regularly. Do not throw your books & note books carelessly. Do not fold your books & note books and do not spoil them. Do not sit on your books and note books.
Do not get bored with acquiring knowledge. Keep the things which are connected with your studies in a proper condition. You are a student so, Keep off bad habits Keep off fashions (clothes, footwear, accessories with written words.) Your speech must be clean. Your writing should be neat and legible. Your conduct also must be good. Give respect to learned people. Keep your books in order. Give books to others for reading. By worship of knowledge Gyanavarniya Karma can be removed.