चत्तारि मंगलं,
chattari mangalam
चत्तारि मंगलं, अरिहंता मंगलं, सिद्धा मंगलं, साहू मंगलं, केवलिपणतो धम्मो मंगलं । चत्तारि लोगुत्तमा, अरिहंता लोगुत्तमा, सिद्धा लोगुत्तमा, साहू लोगुत्तमा, केवलिपणतो धम्मो लोगुत्तमो ।
चत्तारि शरणं पवज्जामि, अरिहंते शरणं पवज्जामि, सिद्धे शरणं पवज्जामि, साहू शरणं पवज्जामि, केवल पण्णत्तं धम्मं शरणं पवज्जामि ॥
I take refuge in the four entities of the universe.
I take refuge in the Arihantas. I take refuge in the Siddhas. I take refuge in the Sadhus. I take refuge in the religion explained by the omniscient.
Chattari mangalam, arihanta mangalam, Siddha mangalam, sahu mangalam, Kevalipannatto dhammo mangalam. Chattari loguttama, arihanta loguttama, Siddha loguttama, sahu loguttama, Kevalipannatto dhammo loguttamo. Chattari saranam pavajjami, Arihante saranam pavajjami, Siddhe saranam pavajjami, Sahu saranam pavajjami, Kevalipannattam dhammam sharanam pavajjami.
There are four auspicious entities in the universe. The Arihantas are auspicious. The Siddhas are auspicious. The Sadhus are auspicious. The religion explained by the omniscient is auspicious.
There are four supreme entities in the universe. The Arihantas are supreme. The Siddhas are supreme. The Sadhus are supreme. The religion explained by the omniscient is supreme.