Book Title: Jainism Christianity and Science
Author(s): Champat Rai Jain
Publisher: The Indian Press Allahabad

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Page 112
________________ 100 JAINISM, CHRISTIANITY & SCIENCE times comprehensible, sometimes incomprehensible, (sometimes limitable) sometimes illimitable, having extensions which proceed from Fim into infinity. For thus He is comprehensible and incomprehenaible, near and far, being here ond there, as being the only existent one ..."-(Clementine Homilies) A.N.O.L. vol. xvii. p. 264. 2. (Sexlessness of Gods) : "And yet, that no thoughtless person may raise a false accusa. tion against us, as though we believe God whom we worship to be male,--for this reason, that is, that when we speak of him we use & masculine word, let hin understand that it is not sex which is expressed, but his name, and its meaning according to custom, and the way in which we are in the habit of using worde. For the Deity is not male, bat his name is of the masculine gender ... We cannot, then, be prevailed upon to believe that the divine is embodied; for bodies must Deeds be distinguished by difference of sex, if they are male and female. For who, however mean his capacity, does not know that the sexes of different gender have been ordained and formed by the Creator of the creatures of earth, only that, by intercourse and union of bodies that which is fleeting and transient may endure being ever renewed and maintained ? "-(Arnobius) A.N.C.L. vol. xix, pp. 154-155. "I will not bring forward the opinions of w18e men, who cannot restrain their laughter when they hear distinctions of sex attributed to the immortal gods: I ask of each man whether he himself believes in his own mind, and persuades himself that the race of gods is [80] distinguished that they are male and female, and have been formed with members arranged suitably for the begetting of young?" Ibid. p. 326. "But to Christians, after their departure from the world, no restoration of marriage is promised in the day of resurrection, translated as they will be into the condition and sanctity of angels." (Tertullian) A.N.C.L. vol. xi. p. 280. 3. (God not the entirety of the world taken as an, organic whole) : "For as one man cannot, while his body remains entire, be divided into many men; nor can many men, while they continue to


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