Do not go in then into his destruction; for you are in bondage by the unbelief and deception of his son, who is without order, and has no substance; formless, and has no form in the whole creation, either in the heaven or in the earth,' or among the fishes that are in the waters. But if you see him, flee from him, since he has no resemblance to men: his dwelling is the abyss, and he walks in darkness. Flee, then, from him, that his venom may not be poured out upon you if his venom be poured out upon your body, you walk in his wickedness. But remain rather in the true worship, being faithful, reverent, and good, without guile. Flee from Satan the dragon, and remove from you his wicked seed, namely, desire, by which he gets disease in the soul, which 18 the venom of the serpent. For desire is of the serpent from the beginning, and she it is who arms her. self against the faithful; for she came forth out of the darkness, and returns to the darkness. You ought therefore, after coming to us, or rather through us to God, to throw out the venom of the devil from your bodies."-(Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, etc.) A.N.C.L. vol. xvi. p. 326.
"After that there is no pain, there is no grief, there is no groaning there are no tears, ... there is no devil, there is no death, .;. "Ibid. p. 502.
2. (The demons cannot attack one unless invited):
"And He gave over the government of those who should turn to evil to those angels who,... not by their substance, but by opposition, were, unwilling to remain with God, being corrupted by the vice of envy and pride. And this is the bound assigned, that unless one first do the will of the demons, the demons have no power over him."-(Recognitions of Clement) A.N.C.L. p. 895.
"But you ought to know that the demons have no power over any one, unless first he be their table companion; since not even their chief can do any thing contrary to the law imposed upon him by God, wherefore he has no power over any one who does not worship him; but neither can any one receive from them any of the things that he wishes, nor in anything be hurt by them, "... (Clementine Homilies) A.N.C.L. vol. xvii. p. 146.
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