of the complete chain in the first instance; do not quarrel over the links to begin with, for that will keep you from observing the exquisite beauty of the whole thing. When we have once observed the grandeur of the chain as a whole, it will be easy for us to test the strength and value of each link by itself. I do not deem it necessary to labour the point any further but am content to give the advice of Philo Judæus who is justly famous for preserving the secret interpretation of parts of the Old Testament.
"Those who apply themselves to the study of the holy scriptures ought not to cavil and quibble at syllables, but ought first to look at the spirit and meaning of the nouns and verbs used, and at the occasions on which and the manners in which each expression is used; for it often happens that the same expressions are applied to different things at different times, and, on the contrary, opposite expressions are at different times applied to the same thing with perfect consistency."-Yonge's Philo Judeus, vol. iv. p. 253.
Those men act absurdly who judge of the whole from a part, instead of... forming their estimate of a part from their knowledge of the whole; . . . the divine code of laws is, in a manner, a united creature, which one must regard in all its parts and members at once with all one's eyes, and one must contemplate the meaning and sense of the whole scripture with accuracy and clearness, not distributing its harmony nor dissevering its unity; for the parts will have a very different appearance and character if they are once deprived of their union."-Ibid. vol. iv. p. 253.
The effect of the preaching of misunderstood religion is evident from the writings of the rationalists and free-thinkers, and amongst the books which give free expression to human thought concerning the teaching of Christianity, as it is preached by the Church today, may be mentioned " A Note-Book for Christians " by Charles T. Gorham, which contains a large number