Book Title: Jaina Philosophers On Nature Of Liberation
Publisher: Unknown

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________________ Article Navigation 36 See, for example: 'Existence is endowed with origination, cessation and persistance' (utpādaSvet vyaya-dhrauvya-yuktam sat/ TS 5.29/TS Dig 5.30). Dig 37 See, for example: TS 5.29 with commentaries. 38 For the nature of the relationship between these events, see: Bajželj (forthcoming). For more on Jaina metaphysics, see Bajželj (2013), Bhattacharya (1966), Dixit (1971), Jhaveri (1990), Matilal (1977), Matilal (1981), Padmarajiah (1963), Ramaiah (1978), Soni (1991), Soni (1997) and Soni (2003). 39 'How does one who has cast away karman and has no karmic influx have [motion]?' (prahīṇakarmano nirāsravasya katham bhavati [...]. TBh 10.5). TT 10.5 glosses 'how' (katham) with 'how is there motion' (kena prakāreņa gatiḥ). SS 10.5 $931 similarly asks: 'The cause of this upward movement has not been specified. How can it be determined?' (anupadista-hetukam idam ūrdhva-gamanam katham adhyavasātum śakyam [...].). 40 pūrva-prayogad asangatvād bandha-cchedāt tathā-gati-parināmāc ca tad-gatih / TS 10.6. 41 TS 10.7 is preserved only in the Digambara recension, but very similar content is discussed in TBH 10.6. 42 āviddha-kulāla-cakravad vyapagata-lepālābuvad eraṇḍa-bījavad agni-śikhāvac ca / TS 10.7. 43 kulāla-prayogāpādita-hasta-danda-cakra-samyoga-pūrvakam bhramaṇam. uparate 'pi tasmin pūrva-prayogādā saṁskāra-kṣayād bhramati. evam bhavasthenātmanāpavarga-prāptaye bahuso yat pranidhānam tad-abhāve 'pi tad-āveśa-pūrvakam muktasya gamanam avasiyate. SS 10.7 $933. TV repeats this passage word for word. 44 yathā hasta-daṇḍa-cakra-samyukta-samyogāt puruṣa-prayatnataś cāviddham kulāla-cakram uparateṣv api purușa-prayatna-hasta-danda-cakra-samyogeṣu pūrva-prayogad bhramaty evā samskāra-parikṣayāt. evam yaḥ pūrvam asya yat-karmaṇā prayogo janitaḥ sa kṣine 'pi karmani gati-hetur bhavati. tat-kṛtā gatiḥ. TBh 10.6. 45 Before that, TT 10.6. explains the notion of the preceding impetus (pūrva-prayoga) as the 'setting in motion through the operation of the hand and so forth' (hastādi-vyāpāra-prerana), referring to the example of the potter's wheel that all the four commentaries use. 46 yoga-nirodhābhimukhasya yat karma kriyā tena karmaṇā yaḥ prayogo janitaḥ sa kṣine 'pi Skip to Main Content Karmani avicchinna-samskāratvāt yogābhāve 'pi gati-hetur bhavati. tena hetunā kriyate gatir ity arthaḥ. TT 10.6.


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