South Indian Humanitarian League, Madras.
Is the best Institution for the propagation of Ahimsa. As such it is the most deserving of your help. Please help the League as much as you can. Aims and objects:-(1) To protect all living creatures from all kinds of cruelties by all possible means.
(2) To educate public opinion in favour of vegetarianism from the point of view of health and the highest principles of mercy and against meat-eating and drink habits.
(3) Tp draw the attention of the people towards the stoppage of animal sacrifice of all kinds whether they are sanctioned by religion, custom, or otherwise and to appeal to the authorities to have them discontinued.
(4) To propagate suitable Literature relating to Nonkilling among the people in all the provincial languages, to carry on propaganda among non-vegetarians through propagandists and to adopt such other methods as may be appropriate for the purpose.
(5) To take up other questions in the interests of human welfare provided they are non-political.
How to help the League. You can help the League either by becoming one of its patrons by paying a doration of Rs. 1,000 or more or by becoming a Lifemember by paying Rs. 500 or more; or by becoming a Donor by paying Rs. 250 or more or by becoming an Ordinary member by paying a monthly subscription of Rs. 4, 2, 1 or As. 4 as you please.
For Rules and Regulations and full particulars please write to :
The Honorary Secretaries,
The S. I. Humanitarian League, 436, Mint Street, MADRAS.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat