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Every home of India knows what the World Renowned “B” Time Piece is. Every part of the machinery is guaranteed to be strong and fine. 36 Hours' winding. Guaranteed for 3 years. Buyers Beware of Imitation "B" Time Pieces. When Buying one please see that it is made in Germany and the "B" mark carefully. Re. 1-12 each. Alarm Time Pieces Rs. 2-8.
Postage etc, extra. The Time Piece Seller,
30, Garanhata Street, CALCUTTA. Shri Gopal Digamber Jain Siddhant Vidyalaya.
Morena (Gwalior.) The Vidyalaya teaches especially Jain Siddhant with = almost all other necessary subjects (i.e. Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Mathematics, Geography, History, Viyakaran, ģ etc.) up to Tirth class (Highest standard). Most efficient staff. Great care taken of good health and : character of Boarders. Living very cheap. Good Board. ing accomodation. Situation Healthy. Debates, Lectures Daily Shastra reading, Good character building and free education are the special features. Scholarships to deserving and poor boys. Admits all castes but untouchable, Ai should take advantage.
Its expenses increasing day by day. Income very ; limited. Public earnestly requested to help it by money. Application for admission and help to be sent to :
Din Dayal Jain,
Superintendent. Grererererererereacuviuuencicrucigererents Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat