PRAMANA-NAYA-TATTVALOKALAMKARA. 129 political salvation of the community under modern conditions. The parties and petty factions in which we are constantly embroiled take the bitter toll of all our surplus time, energies and money so that none is left for nobler efforts. We should now close up our ranks and propagate a true spirit of fraternal love. Unity and organized action will automatically clear the path of our political advance.
OF Sri Vadideva Suri. Translated by Harisatya Bhattacharya, M.A., B.L. (Continued from page 53 of Vol. XXI No. 2.)
Sutra, 11. The Fallacy with regard to the Non-distinguished consists in a tendency to absolutely separate the two Attributes etc.
Commentury. To consider the two Attributes in the first example, the two Substances in the second or the Substance and the Attribute in the third as absolutely separate and distinct from each other would be a fallacy so far as the Non-distinguished Naya is concerned.
Sutra, 12. For instance : Existence and Consciousness inhere in the Soul, absolutely separated etc.
Commentary. If it is said that Existence and Consciousness inhere in the Soul, separately, that the aspect of Modification and the aspect of Substantiality are absolutely unconnected in a Thing, that Happiness is but externally related to the Soul,then Naigama-fallacy is committed. It is the Naiyayika and the Vaiseshika systems of philosophy which commit this fallacy.
Sutra, 13. The Generic, (Samgraha-Naya) takes account of the Common Essence only.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat