Book Title: Jaina Exegetical Terminology Pk Vibhasa Detailed Exposition
Author(s): Nalini Balbir
Publisher: Nalini Balbir

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________________ 76 Nalini Balbir so kaṭṭhāni kalunāni vilavai: 'ehi putta, mã mã ujjhāhi; evam ādi vibhāsā. tato Tisalāe: vibhāsā (AvH 217b.3 = C 305.7 = M 290a.4): "Der [i.e. Sangamaka] schluchzte mitleiderregende, traurige Worte: 'komm, Sohn!'-ausführlicher Kommentar verlasse [mich] nicht!' Dann Tisala-ausführlicher Kommentar-"25 täna pae muha-dhovanâdi: vibhāsā (AvC 469.7 H 355b.7 M 465.12): "[The son] washed their [i.e. his parents'] feet and mouths: full description." (Pasannacando) rodda-jjhäņam pavanno. hatthina (AvH 487b.4; M 586a.4; vibhäsä not in AvC 455.13 entered in the fearful meditation. Full description: he an elephant (a horse fight with a horse, add. M)." tähe Piyangu Sujāyassa vesam karei ābharaṇa-vasaṇehim: vibhāsā (AVC II 197.14; different wording in H): "Then P. dressed S. with clothes and ornaments: full description." 26 hatthim viväei ti vibhäsä Vasudevahindi 16.27): "P. made an elephant fight with Finally, the preceding investigation should help reconsidering a passage of Devendra's Uttaradhyayanațīkā included in Jacobi's Ausgewählte Erzählungen in Mähäräṣṭrī: io ya tena kappadieṇa suyam, jahä: Müladevena vi eriso sumino dittho, järiso mae [...]. so cintei: vaccāmi jattha goraso, tam pivittä suvāmi, jāva taṇi sumiņam puno vi pecchami. -avi so pecchejja, na ya manusão vibhäsä. (VIII Müladeva 65.5-8) Meyer translates: "Now that beggar heard: 'Müladeva too has dreamed just such a dream as I.' [...] He thought: 'I shall go where there is milk and, having drunk that, I shall sleep, so that I may dream that dream again." Maybe he dreamed it: but there is no light to be got from a man." (my emphasis)27. He adds a comment on this "grand and profound thought" 28 and considers that "vibhāsā would be the same in Skt." Similarly, Bloomfield ("As to whether he shall see it no man reporteth")29 and Charpentier ("vielleicht wird er ihn bekommen so was können ja die Menschen nicht wählen"; "na ya manusão vibhāsā ist mir nicht ganz klar")30 missed the point. Edgerton noted that the word was not recorded in Jacobi's 'Glossary' and, apparently not convinced by Meyer's proposal, wrote: "acc. to Meyer t[at]s[ama]; but perhaps rather vibhäşä? Uncertain."31 In fact, for any reader who has only Jacobi's text at his disposal, it is not


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