Book Title: Jain Marriage Ceremony
Author(s): Unknown
Publisher: JAINA Education Committee

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________________ શાંતિમ્ કરોતુ, તૃષ્ટિમ કરોતુ, પુષ્ટિમ કરો, ઋદ્ધિમ કરોતુ, વૃદ્ધિ કરોતુ, સુખમ્ કરોતુ, સૌખ્યમ્ કરોતુ, શ્રિયમ્ કરોતુ, લક્ષ્મીમ્ કરો, ઓમ અહમ śri samśrayaḥ viśvāstraḥ, nirañjana, nirmama niskalanka, sa ēva bhagavāna, śāntim karotu, trstim karotu, pustim karotu rddhim karotu, vrddhim karotu, sukham karotu, saukhyam karotu, śriyam karotu, lakṣmim karotu om arhama 3. Ganesh Puja and Mangalcharan The wedding Ceremony begins with a prayer invocating the lord Ganesh, whose divine grace dispels all evil and promotes the successful and peaceful completion of today's occasion. Blessings for the bride, groom, and all present are asked for. Lord Ganesh is a symbol of peace, truth, friendship, and happiness. In addition to asking lord Ganesh for blessings, the Navkar Mantra is recited again before the priest asks the bride to enter the mandapah. નમો અરિહંતાણં નમો સિદ્ધાણં નમો આયરિયાણં નમો ઉવન્ઝાયાણં નમો લોએ સવ્વ સાહૂણે એસો પંચ નમુક્કારો સવ્વ પાવપ્પણાસણો મંગલાણં ચ સવ્વસિં પઢમં હવઈ મંગલ namo arihantāņam namo siddhāņam namo āyariyānam namo uvajjhāyānam namo loē savva sāhūņam ēso pañcha namukkāro savva pāvappaņāsaņo mangalāņam cha savvēsim


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