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જૈન લગ્ન વિધિ
Jain Wedding Ceremony Wedding Program 1. Arrival of the Jan (groom's party) 2. Ponkhna Ceremony 3. Ganesh Puja and Mangalcharan 4. Antarpata (curtain between the bride and groom) 5. Kanya Agamana (arrival of the bride) 6. Manglastak (message of goodness as curtain is removed and garlands exchanged) 7. Mangal Tilak 8. Rishi Mantra 9. Abhisheka 10. Kanya Daan (giving away of the bride) 11. Chhedabandhan (tying of the knot) 12. Hasta Melap (joining of the hands) 13. Mangalphera 14. Saptapadi (seven sacred steps walked together) 15. Mangalsutra, Rings, and Sindoor (wedding necklace, rings, and holy red powder) 16. Kansar Ceremony (holy food offering) 17. Shanti Mantra (peace chant) 18. Akhand Saubhagyavati Bhava (whispered blessings for the bride) 19. Ashirwad (final blessings) 20. Biddai (farewell to the bride)
Wedding Ceremony Marriage is the sacred union of two individuals coming together and marks entry into the householder stage of life. The marriage sacrament impresses upon a person that the earthly life should be consciously and fully accepted and elevated to the level of spiritual experience, growth, and conquest of ego and self. It is a fellowship between a man and woman who seek to love unconditionally, live creatively, and grow peacefully in a loving and lasting partnership as they move through the four stages of life. In the presence of auspicious beings, past, present, and future, sacred vows of marriage will be exchanged to signify the harmonious merging of two bodies and two souls. We welcome you to the wedding ceremony of (bride name) and (groom name).
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Arrival of the Groom's Party
Groom and his party arrive at the venue of the marriage in a procession. They are received by bride's family and groom is led to an archway immediately outside the wedding hall. He is asked to stand on a low platform called a bajoth. The Navkar Mantra (Jain prayer) is recited to mark the beginning of the auspicious occasion. The Navkar Mantra is the most sacred and primary of Jain verses, invoking the pancha (five) Parmeshtis - the Arihant (enlightened, perfect souls), the Siddha (the liberated souls; those free of all karma), the Āchärya (the heads of congregations), the Upādhyāy (the ascetic teachers), and the Sadhus (the ascetic aspirants).
નવકાર મંત્ર
નમો અરિહંતાણં
નમો સિદ્ધાણં
નમો આયરિયાણ
નમો ઉવજ્ઝાયાણં
નમો લોએ સવ્વ સાહૂણં
એસો પંચ નમુક્કારો
સવ્વ પાવપ્પણાસણો
મંગલાણં ચ સવ્વેસિ
પઢમં હવઈ મંગલે
navakāra mantra namo arihantāṇam namo siddhanam
namo ayariyāņamp
namo uvajjhāyāņṇam namo loē savva sähūņam eso pañcha namukkāro savva pāvappanäsano mangalāņam cha savvēsim paḍhamam havai mangalam
2. Ponkhna Ceremony
Assisted by the priest, bride's mom performs the Ponkhna, or the welcoming ceremony in which bad omens are dispelled before groom's enters the wedding hall. At the end of this ceremony, the priest asks the groom to step on two earthenware saucers and to crush them. The groom is then led inside the wedding hall to the mandapah by his best men. They take a seat, followed by the bride's parents.
શ્રી સંશ્રયઃ વિશ્વાસ્ત્રઃ, નિરંજન, નિર્મમ
નિષ્કલંક, સ એવ ભગવાન,
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શાંતિમ્ કરોતુ, તૃષ્ટિમ કરોતુ, પુષ્ટિમ કરો, ઋદ્ધિમ કરોતુ, વૃદ્ધિ કરોતુ, સુખમ્ કરોતુ, સૌખ્યમ્ કરોતુ, શ્રિયમ્ કરોતુ, લક્ષ્મીમ્ કરો,
ઓમ અહમ śri samśrayaḥ viśvāstraḥ, nirañjana, nirmama niskalanka, sa ēva bhagavāna, śāntim karotu, trstim karotu, pustim karotu rddhim karotu, vrddhim karotu, sukham karotu, saukhyam karotu, śriyam karotu, lakṣmim karotu om arhama
3. Ganesh Puja and Mangalcharan The wedding Ceremony begins with a prayer invocating the lord Ganesh, whose divine grace dispels all evil and promotes the successful and peaceful completion of today's occasion. Blessings for the bride, groom, and all present are asked for. Lord Ganesh is a symbol of peace, truth, friendship, and happiness. In addition to asking lord Ganesh for blessings, the Navkar Mantra is recited again before the priest asks the bride to enter the mandapah. નમો અરિહંતાણં નમો સિદ્ધાણં નમો આયરિયાણં નમો ઉવન્ઝાયાણં નમો લોએ સવ્વ સાહૂણે એસો પંચ નમુક્કારો સવ્વ પાવપ્પણાસણો મંગલાણં ચ સવ્વસિં પઢમં હવઈ મંગલ namo arihantāņam namo siddhāņam namo āyariyānam namo uvajjhāyānam namo loē savva sāhūņam ēso pañcha namukkāro savva pāvappaņāsaņo mangalāņam cha savvēsim
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padhamam havai mangalam
અહંન્તો ભગવન્ત ઇન્દ્રમહિતાઃ સિદ્ધાથ સિદ્ધિસ્થિતા આચાર્યા જિનશાસનોન્નતિકરાર પૂજ્યા ઉપાધ્યાયકા શ્રી સિદ્ધાન્ત-સુપાઠકા મુનિવરાઃ રત્નત્રયારાધકાઃ પંચૈતે પરમેષ્ઠિનઃ પ્રતિદિન કુણ્વન્ત વો મંગલમ arhanto bhagavanta indramahitāḥ siddhāścha siddhisthitā ācāryā jinaśāsanonnatikarāḥ pūjyā upādhyāyakāḥ. sri siddhānta-supāthakā munivarāḥ ratnatrayārādhakāḥ pañchaitē paramēsthinaḥ pratidinam kurvuntu vo mangalam.
ૐ હ્રીં અહંમ શ્રી ગૌતમસ્વામિને નમઃ ૐ હ્રીં અહંમ શ્રી ગૌતમસ્વામિને નમઃ ૐ હ્રીં અહંમ શ્રી ગૌતમસ્વામિને નમઃ OM hrim arham śri gautamasvāminē namaḥ OM hrim arham sri gautamasvāminē namah OM hrim arham sri gautamasvāminē namaḥ
4. Antarpata (Curtain between the bride and groom) Before the bride enters the wedding hall, her brothers raise a white curtain in front of the groom so that the groom can see her enter the mandap. Some say this creates suspense for the groom, but the traditional reason is that the bride and groom are still separate at this point, and when the curtain is removed they begin to join as one.
5. Kanya Agamana (arrival of the bride) The priest calls for the bride and her attendants to enter the wedding hall and the mandap (stage). The bride is led to the mandap by her maternal uncle who blesses the couple. She is also greeted by the mother of the groom. Indian brides traditionally wear a red and white sari as the white signifies purity and red signifies abundance and fertility. Upon her arrival, the groom is asked to stand and to face the bride while still behind the curtain separating them.
6. Mangalashtaks (curtain removal & garland exchange) Separated by the white curtain, the bride and groom are asked to face each other holding garlands. The priest recites Mangalashtaks (special prayers) to invite the divine to witness the marriage and to bless the bride and groom. The white curtain between the bride and groom is removed, symbolically removing all feelings of separateness. This moment marks the joining of two as one. The bride and groom place garlands around each other as this symbolizes their acceptance and love for each other.
ૐ પરમેષ્ઠિનમસ્કારં સાદરં નવપદાત્મક
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આત્મરક્ષાકર વજૂ-પંજરામં સ્મરામ્યહં ||૧|| OM paramēșthinamaskāram sādaram navapadātmakam. ātmarakṣākaram vajra-pañjarābham smarāmyaham ..1.. ૐ નમો અરિહંતાણં શિરસ્કે શિરસિ સ્થિત ૐ નમો સિદ્ધાણં, મુખે મુખપર્ટ વરં પારા OM namo arihantānam siraskam sirasi sthitam. OM namo siddhanam, mukhe mukhapatam varam ..2.. ૐ નમો આયરિયાણં, અંગરક્ષાતિશાયિની ૐ નમો ઉવન્ઝાયાણં, આયુધં હસ્તર્યોદૃઢ laIL OM namo ayariyanam, amgaraksatisayini. OM namo uvajjhāyāṇam, āyudham hastaryordrdham ..3.. ૐ નમો લોએ સવ્વસાહણે, મોચકે પાડયો: શુભે. એસો પંચ નમુક્કારો, શિલા વજુમયી તલે I૪ OM namo loē savvasāhūņam, mochakē pādayoḥ śubhē. ēso pañcha namukkāro, silā vajramayi talē ..4.. સવ્વપાવપ્પણાસણો, વપ્રો વજૂમયો બહિઃા મંગલાણં ચ સવ્વસિં, ખાદિરાંગાર ખાતિકા /પા. savvapāvappaņāsaņo, vapro vajramayo bahiḥ. mangalāņam cha savvēsim, khădirāngāra khātikā ..5..
સ્વાહાંત ચ પદં શેય, પઢમં હવઈ મંગલા વપ્રોપરિ વજુમય, પિધાન દેહરક્ષણે IIકા. svāhāntam cha padam jñēyam, padhamam havai mangalam. vapropari vajramayam, pidhānam dēharakşaņē ..6.. મહાપ્રભાવ રક્ષય, શુદ્રોપદ્રવનાશિની પરમેષ્ઠિપદોહ્નતા, કથિતાપૂર્વસૂરિભિઃ ||ળા mahāprabhāvā raksēyam, śrudropadravanāśini. paramēsthipadodbhūtā, kathitāpūrvasūribhiḥ ..7.. યશ્કેવં કરુતે રક્ષાં પરમેષ્ઠિપદૈઃ સદા. તસ્ય ન સ્યાદ્ ભય વ્યાધિ-રાધિ સ્થાપિ કદાચન II૮ાા yaśvēvam karutē rakṣām paramēsthipadaiḥ sadā. tasya na syād bhayam vyādhi-rādhi śvāpi kadāchana ..8..
7. Mangal Tilak The priest makes a saffron, sandalwood, or kanku mark on the foreheads of the bride, groom, and the bride's parents and on himself. A Rakshapotli (sacred red thread specially prepared and
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blessed prior to the wedding day for protection) is tied around the wrists of the bride, groom, and their parents as an offering of peaceful wishes. મંગલ ભગવાન વીરો, મંગલ ગૌતમ પ્રભુ; મંગલ સ્થૂલભદ્રાદ્યા, જૈન ધર્મોસ્તુ મંગલ. mangala bhagavāna viro, mangalam gautama prabhu; mangalam sthūlabhadrādyā, jaina dharmostu mangalam. નાભે આદ્યા જિનાઃ સર્વે, ભરતાદ્યાહ્ય ચક્રિણ: કર્વન્ત મંગલ સર્વે, વિષ્ણુવઃ પ્રતિવિષ્ણવઃ || nābhē ādyā jināḥ sarvē, bharatādyāscha chakriņaḥ. karvantu mangalam sarvē, vişnuvaḥ prativişņavaḥ.. મરૂદેવી ત્રિશલાદ્યા વિખ્યાત જિનમાતરા. ત્રિજગત જનિતા નંદા, મંગલાય ભવંતુ મે || marūdēvi trisalādyā vikhyāta jinamātarā. trijagat janitā nandā, mangalāya bhavantu mē.. ચક્રેશ્વરી સિદ્ધાયિકા, મુખ્યાઃ શાસનદેવતા સમ્યદર્શી વિઘ્નહરાઃ રચયંતુ જયશ્રિયમ્ II chakrēsvari siddhāyikā, mukhyāḥ śāsanadēvatā. samyadarśā vighnaharāḥ rachayantu jayasriyam .. બ્રાહ્મીચંદનબાલાદ્યાઃ મહાસત્યો મહત્તરાડા અખંડશીલ-લીલાયા યચ્છન્ત મમ મંગલમ્ II brāhmichandanabālādyāḥ mahāsatyo mahattarāḥ. akhandašila-lilāyā yacchantu mama mangalam ..
8. Rishi Mantra (Prayer to enlightened souls) The bride and groom make an offering of laving (cloves) each time a verse of this prayer is recited to honor the enlightened souls in the universe. A total of 15 clove offerings are made. (1) ૐ સત્યજાતાય નમ:| - the great born (1) OM satyajātāya namaḥ. (2) ૐ અહંજ્જાતાય નમઃા - Arihantas (enlightened ones) (2) OM arhajjātāya namaḥ. (3) નિગ્રંથાય નમ: - those without material ties (3) OM nirgranthāya namaḥ. (4) ૐ વીતરાગાય નમઃ| - those with no attachments (4) OM vitarāgāya namaḥ. (5) ૐ મહાવ્રતાય નમ:| - those who have taken vows (5) OM mahavrataya namah.
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(6) ૐ ત્રિગુપ્તાય નમઃ| - those with control of body, mind and speech (6) OM triguptāya namaḥ. (7) ૐ મહાયોગાય નમઃ - those who are yogis (7) OM mahāyogāya namaḥ. (8) ૐ વિવિધયોગાય નમઃ| - those who meditate (8) OM vividhayogāya namaḥ. (9) ૐ વિવિધર્તયે નમઃ| - those who make offerings (9) OM vividharddhayē namaḥ. (10) ૐ અંગધરાય નમI - those possessing knowledge of anga scriptures (10) OM amgadharāya namaḥ. (11) ૐ પૂર્વધરાય નમ: - those possessing knowledge of purva scriptures (11) OM purvadharaya namah. (12) ઊંૐ ગણધરાય નમઃ| - disciples of Arihantas (12) OM ganadharaya namah. (13) ૐ પરમથિંભ્યો નમોનમઃ| - sages (13) OM paramarşibhyo namonamah. (14) ૐ અનુપમ જાતાય નમોનમ: - those born in a virtuous family (14) OM anupama jātāya namonamaḥ. (15) ૐ સમ્યગદષ્ટ સમ્યગ દૃષ્ટ ભૂપતે ભૂપતે - those who have been enlightened by the faith. (15) OM samyagadrstē samyag drstē bhūpatē bhūpatē
9. Abhisheka (blessing from priest) The priest takes holy water in the pointed part of a beetle leaf and anoints the heads of the bride and groom. This offering symbolizes peace and happiness. The prayer offered binds the bride and groom together in an eternal bond. ૐ અર્હમ્ ઇદમ્ આસનમ્ અધ્યાસીનો સ્વધ્યાસીનો સ્થિતી સુસ્થિતી તદસ્તુ વા સનાતન સંગમ! ૐ અર્હમ ૐ નમોહંત સિદ્ધાચાર્યોપાધ્યાય સર્વ સાધુભ્યા OM arham : idam āsanam adhyāsino svadhyāsino sthitau susthitau tadastu vā sanātana sangamaḥ. OM arham OM namorhat siddhācāryopādhyāya sarva sādhubhyah.
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10. Kanya Daan (giving away of the bride)
The bride's parents perform the ritual of giving their daughter to the care of the groom through a symbolic gesture of holy water flowing from their hands through the bride's hands and into the groom's hands. The bride's parents ask the groom to treat their daughter as a loving and equal partner and formally give their daughter in marriage to the groom. The groom promises to love and respect the bride throughout their life. The bride's parents place the varmala (hand-woven cord) around the couple, uniting them and protecting them from all evil influences. The priest opens the blessed invitation and scroll and reads the contents:
"Today, on the 20th day of October, 2001, xxxx (bride name), daughter of xxxx and xxxx (bride's parent name), of xxxx (town name), xxxx (state name); and xxxx (groom's name), son of xxxx and xxxx xxxx (groom's parent names), of xxxx (town name), xxxx (state name) are joining in holy matrimony. May xxxx (bride name) and xxxx (groom name) be granted peace, contentment, prosperity, and wisdom throughout their lives together. Om Arhum"
11. Chheda Bandhan (Tying of the knot)
The bride's sister ties one end of the groom's scarf to one corner of the bride's sari signifying eternal togetherness. The white cloth is a symbol of purity and unity. The threads of the white cloth are believed to bind the couple as eternal partners. While a single thread of raw cotton is easily torn, interwoven strands of cotton form a strong bond. Similarly, the abilities and virtues of the bride and groom are much stronger when combined than separated.
અસ્મિન્ જન્મયે બંધોોર્વે
કામે ધર્મે વા ગૃહસ્થત્વ ભાજિ ।
યોગો જાતઃ પંચ દેવાગ્નિ સાક્ષી જાયા પત્થોરંચલ ગ્રંથિ બંધાતા asmin janmayeṣa bandhoddhyorvē kāmē dharmē vā grhasthatva bhaji. yogo jätaḥ pañcha dēvāgni sāksi
jāyā patуorañchala granthi bandhät.
12. Hasta Melap (joining of the hands)
This ceremony is the union of the two palms. Holding each other's right hand, the bride and groom vow to walk hand in hand throughout their life. This signifies that bride and groom are united as one and will live as one in body, mind, and spirit. This is considered the most important part of the wedding ceremony. The couple is reminded to remember the divine, to look upon others with sympathy, love, and compassion, to be strong and to show good will and affection towards others.
હારિત પંકમવલિપ્સ સુવાસિનીભિા
દત્ત દ્રો જનકયોઃ ખલુ તૌ ગૃહીત્યા ॥
દક્ષિકર નિજસુતાં ભવમગ્રપાણિમા
લિમ્પેદ્ વરસ્ય ચ કરદ્રય યોજનાર્થ ॥
તદેવ લગ્ન સુદિનં તદેવ, તારા બલંચન્દ્ર બલં દતેવ,
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વિદ્યાબલે દેવબલ તદેવ, તીર્થંકરાનાં સ્મરણ શુસંતા hāridra pankamavalipya suvāsinibhiḥ. dattam dvayo janakayoḥ khalu tau gļhitvā.. dakșikaram nijasutām bhavamagrapāņim. limpēd varasya cha karadvaya yojanārtha .. tadēva lagnam sudinam tadēva, tārā balañchandra balam datēva, vidyābalam dēvabalam tadēva, tirthankarānām smaraṇam śubhantu. નમો અરિહંતાણે નમો સિદ્ધાણં નમો આયરિયાણં નમો ઉવજઝાયાણં નમો લોએ સવ્વસાહૂણમ્ એસો પંચ નમુક્કારો સવ્વપાવપ્પણાસણો મંગલાણં ચ સવ્વસિં પઢમં હવઈ મંગલ namo arihantānam namo siddhāņam namo āyariyāņam namo uvajjhāyāņam namo loē savvasāhūņam ēso pañcha namukkāro savvapāvappaņāsaņo mangalāņam cha savvēsim padhamam havai mangalam ૐ અર્હમા આત્માસિ, જીવોડસિ, સમકાલોડસિ, સમચિત્તોડસિ, સમશ્રેયોડસિ, સમદેહોડસિ, સમસ્નેહોડસિ, સમ સમ પ્રમોદોડાસ, સમ ગમોડાસ, સમવિહરોડસિ, સમ મોક્ષોડસિ, તદેહિ એકત્વ ઇદાનીય અહં ૐ ૐ શાન્તિઃ શાન્તિઃ શાન્તિઃ ૐ સ્વીં સ્વીં હંસઃ સ્વાહા. ઓમ્ અર્હમ્
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OM arham! ātmāsi, jivo'si, samakālo'si, samacitto'si, samaśrēyo'si, samadēho'si, samasnēho'si, sama sama pramodo'si, sama gamo'si, samaviharo'si, sama mokṣo'si, tadēhi @katvam idāniyam. arham OM OM śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ OM kşvim kşvim hamsaḥ svāhā. om arham
13. Mangalphera This ceremony is a reminder of the four stages of life which are Brahmacharya (from birth to the date of marriage), Gruhastha (married life stage), Vänaprasthya (learning, self-study and preparation for the four stage), and Sanyasa (renouncement of materialism to serve mankind). Bound by the knot Bride and Groom walk around the agni (fire) holding hands four times to remind themselves of the basic principles that should govern their daily activities and thought processes. Groom leads the first three rounds, signifying his contribution in helping each other attain dharma, artha, and käma. The last round is led by Bride signifying liberation from this life. Each walk around the Agni (fire) is initiated by the bride's brother filling the bride's palms with rice signifying the following blessings; good health, happiness, wealth, and prosperity. The rice is then offered by the bride to the fire. The four basic principles are: (1) Dharma - trust, sincerity, honesty, and discipline (philosophical or religious pursuits) (2) Artha - earning a livelihood by truthful and honest means (wealth) (3) Käma - happiness in family life (family and children) (4) Moksha - eternal bliss when one leaves all material thoughts, beliefs, and attachments behind (reincarnation or nirvana) અગ્નિસ્થાપનાનો મંત્ર ૐ હ્રીં નમો અગ્નયે, નમો અનન્ત તેજસે, નમો હવ્યાશનાય, અત્ર કુંડ આગચ્છ, આગચ્છ, અવતર, અવતર, તિષ્ઠ તિષ્ઠ સ્વાહા. ૐ અર્હમા અનાદિ વિશ્વા અનાદિરાત્મા! અનાદિ કાલા અનાદિ કર્મ અનાદિ સંબંધ અહમ્ ૐ agnisthāpanāno mantra OM hrim namo agnayē, namo ananta tējasē, namo havyāšanāya, atra kuņdē āgaccha, āgaccha, avatara, avatara, tiştha tiştha svāhā. OM arham! anādi viśvam! anādirātmā! anādi kālah! anādi karma! anādi sambandhah! arham OM
13. Mangalphera (continued)
પ્રથમ મંગલ સજ્જાતિઃ સદ્ ગૃહસ્થત્વે પારિવ્રાજ્ય સુરેન્દ્રતા
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સામ્રાજ્ય પરમાર્હત્ત્વ નિર્વાણું ચેતિ સપ્તકમ્ ॥
prathama mangala
sajjātiḥ sad gṛhasthatvam pārivrājyam surendratā. sāmrajyam paramārhantyam nirvāṇam cēti saptakam .. બીજું મંગળ
સજ્જાતિ સદ્ગુહસ્થત્વ પારિવ્રાજ્યં સુરેન્દ્રતા
સામ્રાજ્ય પરમાર્હત્ત્વ નિર્વાણું ચેતિ સપ્તકમ્ ॥
bijum mangala
sajjāti sadgṛhasthatvam pārivrajyam surendratā. sāmrajya paramārhantyam nirvāṇam cēti saptakam .. ત્રીજું મંગળ
સજ્જાતિ સદ્ગુહસ્થત્વ પારિવ્રાજ્યં સુરેન્દ્રતા સામ્રાજ્ય પરમાર્હત્ત્વ નિર્વાણું ચેતિ સપ્તકમ્ ॥ ૐૐ અર્હમા સહજોડસ્તિ સ્વભાવોઽસ્તિ, સંબંધોડસ્તિ, પ્રતિબદ્ધોઽસ્તિ, તદસ્તિ સાંસરિક સંબંધઃ। અર્હમ્ સજ્જાતિઃ સદૃહસ્થનં પરિવ્રાજ્યં સુરેન્દ્રતા II સામ્રાજ્ય પરમાર્હન્તયં નિર્વાણું ચેતિ સપ્તકમ્ ॥ trijum mangala
sajjāti sadgṛhasthatvam pārivrajyam surendratā. samrajya paramārhantyam nirvāṇam cēti saptakam .. OM arham. sahajo'sti svabhāvo'sti, sambandho'sti, pratibaddho'sti, tadasti sāmsarika sambandhaḥ, arham OM sajjātiḥ sadgṛhasthatnam parivrājyam surēndratā.. sāmrājya paramārhantayam nirvāṇam cēti saptakam .. ચોથું મંગળ
નિર્વાણ પરમસ્થાનં જિનભાષિતમુત્તમમ્।
પૂજ્યતે સપ્તવર્ગાણિ સ્વર્ગમોક્ષસુખાકરમ્ ॥
ૐૐ હ્રીં નિર્વાણ પરમ સ્થાનાય નમઃ સ્વાહા cothum mangala
nirvāņa paramasthānam jinabhāṣitamuttamam. pūjyatē saptavargāni svargamokṣasukhākaram.. OM hrim nirvāṇa parama sthānāya namaḥ svāhā
14. Saptapadi (seven sacred steps walked together)
It is said in Indian philosophy that if two people walk seven steps together, then they will be lifelong friends. The bride and groom take seven steps together and with each step they accept the vows
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recited by the priest. At the end of each step/walk, the open palms of the bride are filled to overflowing with puffed rice by her brother, signifying abundance of wealth and prosperity. We shall always remain together in happiness and sorrow.
We shall embrace each other's families as our own.
We shall remain life partners & serve each other with happiness and love.
We shall assist each other in all circumstances.
We shall share our minds, hearts, and spirits.
We strive to grow our love and spiritual and philosophical quests.
We agree to a life of equal rights and will perform our duties with mutual cooperation and respect. After taking the seven steps, the couple takes the following vows: We have taken the first seven steps as life partners, let us be friends and partners forever. Let us have a joint purpose and determination. Let us love each other and shine together. Let us grow together when possible and to understand the other's growth when separate from our own. Let us not swerve from the path of our love, devotion, commitment, and friendship with each other. Let us be complimentary and peaceful in our thoughts, speech, actions, and feelings.
The couple is now officially married and exchange rings and the wedding necklace.
15. Mangalsutra, Rings, and Sindoor (wedding necklace, rings, and holy red powder)
Groom places sindoor on Bride's forehead and welcomes her into his life as his eternal partner. He also places a sacred necklace made of black beads around her neck as a symbol of his love, integrity, and devotion towards her. Finally, Bride and Groom exchange wedding bands to show that they are now married. The priest requests the audience to say the following words aloud: ૐ પુણ્યાહ પુણ્યા, પ્રિયંત પ્રિયતમ્
OM punyaham punyaham, priyantam priyantam
(may there be meritorious and good deeds)
At this time, witnesses of the wedding shower rice on the couple to convey their blessings for longevity and prosperity.
16. Kansar Ceremony (holy food offering)
Nourishing the relationship through holy food offerings, the bride's mother brings the couple some Indian sweets. The bride and groom feed each other four mouthfuls of sweets for the nourishment of the bone, the muscle, the skin, and the soul. This signifies that she is his wife and that he is her husband and together they will provide for one another and their families. The sharing of sweets also signifies the rich and sweet life that awaits them.
17. Shanti Mantra (peace prayer)
As the end of the ceremony approaches, the priest receites a peace chant asking for universal peace for all beings. The priest also sprinkles väsaksepa (orange holy powder) on the heads of the couple and gives them further good wishes and blessings.
ૐ હી અને અસિ આ સાય
નમઃ સર્વશાન્તિ કુરુ કુરુ સ્વાહાઃ
OM hrim arham asi ā sāya
namaḥ sarvasantim kuru kuru svähäḥ
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ૐૐ સુપ્રતિગૃહીતાસ્તુ, શાન્તિરસ્તુ, તુષ્ટિરસ્તુ, પુષ્ટિરસ્તુ,
ઋદ્ધિરસ્તુ, વૃદ્ધિરસ્તુ, શિવમસ્તુ, કલ્યાણમસ્તુ, કર્મસિદ્ધિરસ્તુ,
દીર્ધાયુરસ્તુ, પુણ્ય વર્ધતાં, ધર્માં વર્ધતાં, કુલગૌત્રવર્ધતામ્ સ્વસ્તિ ભદ્રં અસ્તા
OM supratigrhitāstu, santirastu, tustirastu, pustirastu,
æddhirastu, vddhirastu, sivamastu, kalyānamastu, karmasiddhirastu,
dirdhāyurastu, punyam vardhatām, dharmom vardhatām, kulagautravardhatām svastim bhadram
ૐૐ શાન્તિઃ શાન્તિઃ શાન્તિઃ
ૐ સ્વીં સ્વીં હંસઃ સ્વાહાઃ।
OM santiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
OM ksvim kṣvim hamsaḥ svāhāḥ.
સર્વ મંગલ માંગલ્યું, સર્વ કલ્યાણ કારણ
પ્રધાનં સર્વ ધર્માણાં, જૈનં જયતિ શાસનમા
sarva mangala mangalyam, sarva kalyāņa kāraṇam pradhanam sarva dharmāņām, jainam jayati śāsanam. નમો અરિહંતાણં
નમો સિદ્ધાણં
નમો આયરિયાણં
નમો ઉવજ્ઝાયાણં
નમો લોએ સવ્વસાહૂણં
એસો પંચ નમુક્કારો
મંગલાણં ચ સવ્વુસિં
પઢમં હવઈ મંગલં
namo arihantāṇam
namo siddhāṇam namo ayariyāṇam
namo uvajjhāyāṇam namo loē savvasāhūņam eso pañcha namukkāro savvapāvappaṇāsano mangalāṇam cha savvēsim padhamam havai mangalam
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18. Akhand Saubhagyavati Bhava (whispered blessings for the bride) A pre-arranged number of female relatives from both sides of the family are invited to the mandap (stage) to give their blessings to the bride and groom. The female relatives whisper secrets into the bride's ear to help her keep herself and her husband happy throughout their life. The women place a red dot and some rice on both the bride and groom's foreheads. This symbolizes their wishes to the couple for a long, happy, prosperous, and peaceful life together.
19. Ashirwad (blessing by the priest and parents) The priest and family offer their final blessings to the newly married couple and shower them with rice and flowers.
20. Biddai (farewell to the Bride) Either following the dinner reception or on the next day, there is a touching and emotional farewell between the daughter and her parents and extended family as she leaves her life as a daughter and enters the role of wife to her husband.
Some Popular Mantras
Om bhoor bhuvah svah; tat savitur varaynyam; bhargo dayvasya dheemahi; dhiyo yonah prachoda-yat; Om.
(Rig Veda 3.62.10 and Yujur Veda 36.3)
Gurur Brahma gurur Vishnuh, gurur devo Maheshvarah; gurussakshat param Brahma, tasmai shri gurave namah.
(Guru Gita)
Akhanda-mandala-karam, uyaptam yenachara-charam; tat padam darshitam yena, tasmai shri gurave namah.
(Guru Gita)
Sarva-dharman paritya-jaya, maam ekam sharanam vraja. Aham tvaa sarva-paapebhyo, moksha-yisyaami maa suchah.
(BG 18.66)
Sarva mangala mangalye, shive sarva artha sadhike. Sharanye trayambake gauri, Narayani namostute.
(Durgasaptasati or Chandi 11.10)
Twameva mata cha pita twameva, Twameva bandhuscha skha twameva. Twameva vidya dravinam twameva, twameva sarvam mama deva-deva.
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________________ Om sarve bhavantu sukhinah, sarve santu nira-maya-ah; sarve bhadrani pashyantu, ma-kaschit dukha-bhak bhavet. Om shantih, shantih, shantih. Om poornam-adah poornam-idam, Poor-nath poornam-udachyate; Poor-nasya poornam-adaya, poornam-eva-vasishyate. (Isavasya Upanishad) Om sahanaav-avatu, sahanaav bhunaktu. Saha veeryam karavaa-vahai. Tejaswinaa-vadheetam-astu, ma vidvishavahai. Om shantih, shantih, shantih. (Taittiriya Upanishad II.1) Asato ma sad-gamaya; tamaso ma jyotir-gamaya; mrtyor-ma amrutam gamaya. Om.shantih, shantih, shantih. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.3.28)