JAIN DIGEST .. May 2011
with their treatment, he went on reciting the stotra What is the difference between Dharma (Religion) and was saved miraculously. He spent one
and Sampraday? Is Sampraday important for the chaturmaas with tap Samrat Pujya Gurudev Shri future generation? Ratilalji Maharaj and became his disciple. After
Religion is a quality of the soul. Sampraday is one his Guru's death, he propagated his teachings
of the roads to reach the final destination. Religion and preachings. Gurudev Namra Muni has put in
is the same for everyone, but the journey from tremendous effort to spread Jain religion and Jeev to Shiv Atma to Siddhatma there are multiple hence the title of "Shashan Prabhavak" was
paths (Sampraday). There need not be any claims conferred upon him.
from any Sampraday Namra Muni's teachings
about their path being the target the youth and
only correct one. children of today. Gurudev
Reaching the higher started the Arham Yuva
destination is a more Group in November 2005
important goal than the in Mulund, Mumbai to
kind of path taken to channelize the youthful
achieve it. By respecting energy and thoughts in
others and accepting good the right direction. "The
from everyone helps us meaning of the word
improve our knowledge. Arham" is to overcome
True Dharma or religion is anger and ego to become
a feeling that comes when a self-composed human
Pujya Namra Muni
one experiences the being. Gurudev wishes to
nature of one's own soul. bring youngsters together and help them get rid of it comes with Deed (Action) not by Words. their ego, pride, anger, and guide them to walk on
Is Puja (Worship) necessary? the religious path. The group that began with only 50 members grew fast with over 2000 members
There are two kinds of Puja: Sakar( keeping the now. Look and Learn group was targeted towards
figure as a medium) and Nirakar (keeping Soul as children. Pujya Gurudev felt that if the children
a medium). Each Puja has its own position in were taught the principles of religion with modern
each one's life. It is improper to feel that one technological aids, more kids would attend
might be better than the other. Pathshala willingly and regularly. He worked
Could you comment on the debate of 40 Loguss relentlessly for two years to publish a fascinating
vs. 20 Loguss for each Kaussag? book on Samayik and Pratikraman with colorful
The most important thing is to detach the body illustrations. It is an extremely detailed book and
from physical activities and concentrate or has chapters written in three languages (Ardh
meditate towards the self. Previously it was meant Magdhi, Gujarati & English). Approximately 40
to go for 100 respirations, which was difficult to Pathshalas and 400 teachers worked on this
practice, therefore Acharyas taught us to use project. The goal for Look and Learn was to
Loguss which became a tradition. We should create a loving and playful environment, which
focus on remaining detached from outside fostered the moral and spiritual development of
activities to focus within and not on the number of children. According to Guru Namra Muni,
Loguss we can say. "Religion is about, bringing a positive change in one's day to day life and a lasting change in one's
Is Punya good or bad? Can doing a good deed be attitude and behavior." The Kolkata Parasdham
bad? and lately Pavandham have also been started by Punya is a byproduct of good religious behavior. Namra Muniji.
Punya is not a Hay or Upaday, but it is a Gnay. Meeting with PujyaNamramuni Maharaj:
Without Punya receiving healthy human life,
meeting proper person (Sadguru), developing One of our editors was fortunate to meet and seek
faith, learning and practicing right way of living is his blessing in July 2010. Here is a brief excerpt
not possible. Punya is the vehicle to help us from the question and answer session that took
towards our goal of Moksh. place in this meeting:
Message to the people:
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