JAIN DIGEST .. May 2011
The Legend and the Legacy
A Tribute to Acharya Mahapragya
"Muni Nathmal was in a
affectionate towards him.
There was no formal profound meditative state
school in Tamkor village pondering over the
in those days and embedded meaning of an
Acharyashri did not Agam verse". This
receive a formal sentence depicts the
education. He complete devotion of a
nonetheless had lessons prodigy sage, Muni
on letters and Nathmal, to comprehend
mathematics tables from the truth passed on by
local teacher(s). He was Bhagwan Mahavir. Right
inspired towards from the beginning, at the
spirituality by his mother's tender age of ten, he
religious devotion and by devoted himself to the
the lessons learnt from study, research, and
sadhus who visited the correlation of the rich
village from time to time. treasures of the Jain
Eventually he conveyed Agams and related Jain
to his mother his wish to canons for over thirty
become a monk. On years. Continuously
January 29, 1931, at the guided, encouraged, and
age of 10 Acharya sometimes even prodded
Acharya Mahapragya
Kalugani initiated him into by Guru Acharya Tulsi,
the Jain Shwetamber Muni Nathmal would dwell deep into a particular Terapanth order. Assigned under the me subject matter, analyzing it from multiple angles
of Muni Tulsi; a guru-chela relationship that grew and ultimately realizing the very essence of the
exponentially as time passed. The combination message as if it was delivered directly by Kevali
and somewhat complementary skills of these two Mahavir. He was able to master the Nirgranth
masters not only grew the Terapanth sangh far faith (the original name of Mahavir's philosophy) in bevond the confines of Rajasthan's few northern its original form and find applicability for it in districts, but also made its deep impact on the modern times by filtering off the possible
Indian nation and its influence spread throughout distortions of language, time, social changes, and the globe. traditionalism. Appreciating the great knowledge,
Thoughts churned out from the depths of his discipline, and the wisdom of his disciple, Acharya
meditation are lasting and effective. In his singie Tulsi brought this great personage out of seclusion
famous quote - "Soul is my god. Renunciation is and presented him to the world by endowing additional honors and responsibilities. Acharya
my prayer. Amity is my devotion. Self-restraint is
my strength. Non-violence is my religion." - Tulsi honored him with the qualitative epithet of
Acharya Mahapragya defined the essence of Mahapragya (highly knowledgeable) on 12
Dharma, sainthood, and his own path to salvation. November 1978. The Legend, whom we know as Acharya Mahapragya, became known to public.
At the same time, he inspired mankind to follow
the path founded on fundamental human strengths Nathmal (Acharyashri's childhood name) was born and values to Tola Ram Choraria and Baluji in the small
The word Mahaprajna (spoken as Mahapragya) village of Tamkor in the Jhunjhunu district in Rajasthan. He lost his father when he was just two
means "Highly knowledgeable". Acharya
Mahapragya's disciples refer to him as Gurudev and half months old. Growing up in an extended
and saw him as a Karunadhari (companionate - family, he gained support from all the family members, Nathmal's mother was very fond and
kind, gentle and generous) guru with a treasure of
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