Book Title: Jain Digest 1998 04
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 14
________________ REGIONAL NEWS (continued) West Chandrakant Parekh, Regional Editor Los Angeles, CA 1999 classes are under way. Members of the Jain Center of Southern California Jain Senior Association visited Palm Springs (CSC) celebrated the 2524th Mahavir on March 1 and enjoyed a ride in an aerial Janma Kalyanak on Sunday, April 12 with tram to get to the top of the mountains. a Panch Kalyanak Pooja and a lecture by Dr. The annual health fair, jointly orgaChris Chapple of Loyola Marymount Uni- nized by the Jain Center and the Jain Social versity. Dr. Chapple has published several Group on April 19, was sponsored by books and articles on Asian traditions and Kumudchandra and Rasilaben Shah, to cel in July he will convene a conference on ebrate the 50th anniversary of their mar- Jainism and Ecology at Harvard University. riage. Nearly 75 specialists in various fields Hespoke eloquently on his understand- examined over 270 participants. Kaiser ing of different religions and the areas where Permanente, UCLA, Marquette Electron Jain religion has stood out from the others. ics, Bergen Brunswig, Glaxo Wellcome, Whereas new leaders of other religious or and Secure Horizon donated equipment or Scharted a new course for their follow- supplies for the event. ers, in Jain religion Bhagwan Mahavir re- Planning for the expansion of the Jain emphasized and articulated the five Center is under way and an architect has Mahavratas-Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, been retained to develop a master plan to Brahmacharya, and Aparigrah and their role integrate various properties owned by the in our lives. He emphasized that the scope center, to enlarge the existing temple, to of Ahimsa encompasses mental, verbal, and build additional meeting hall, kitchen/din- physical non-violence. Dr.Chapple com- ing areas, classrooms, and an exhibition mented that he personally practices at least space, and to provide adequate parking one of these five Mahavratas every week. He Traditional lain temple ornate will be re Traditional Jain temple ornate will be re- also explained the merits and benefits of flected on the outside of the entire complex. silence. The dedication and services of the out- San Francisco, CA going Board Members were recognized by Jain Center of Northern California presenting them with a commemorative (CNC) has finalized the Jain Bhawan buildplaque. Also, 47 Tapasvis, ranging in ageing plans which incorporate the changes from 11 to senior citizens, were honored for recommended by the City of Milpitas Plan- their tapasya of fasting for 8 or more days ning Staff. Estimates obtained from several during paryushan. Each tapasvi was pre- contractors indicate that $3.5 million will sented a marble plaque with a carving of a have to be budgeted for construction costs. Jain temple. To facilitate budgetary schedules, the entire The past Jain Center Youth Council project will be developed in two phases. (ICYC) Committee Members, ranging in Phase I will address the construction of the age from 7 to 17 years, were recognized for building's exterior shell and the temple by their contributions. JCYC members suc- the Fall of 1999. cessfully participated in various activities The ornate details of the building, including a cleanup day on March 1, a shikhars and domes, and interior improvepicnic on April 18, and a Medical Camp on ments will be completed by the year 2000. April 19. May 3 was celebrated as a Teacher's The Pratistha ceremony has been tenta- Appreciation Day when "Thank You" cards tively scheduled on the Mahavir Nirvana and flowers were presented to all the Day in 1999. A new architect has been Pathshala teachers. Registration for 1998/ retained to help develop the project. The 12/JAIN DIGEST SUMMER 1998 Temple Committee has finalized the temple layouts. All the Pratimas and the stone carvings will be made in India and will conform to JCNC's, specifications. A col. ored rendering of the proposed Jain Bhawan has been published in March 1998 issue of the newsletter. A program of Bhakti and Shila Nias for the Jain Bhawan has been scheduled for June 13 and 14. Mahavir Jayanti was celebrated on April 18 at the Fremont Hindu Temple. The activities included a Snatra Pooja, a Children's Program, and a lecture by Chandrakant Mehta from New Jersey. The members were updated with the status of the Jain Bhawan Project. The festivities concluded with Aarti, Mangal Divo and Shanti Kalash, followed by Sadharmik Vatsalya. Detailed information about various activities and events planned by JCNC, including schedules, locations and directions are available on the Internet website at For further information, please contact Jashvant Shah, President JCNC, at 510/475-7882. Sacramento, CA Jain Center of Greater Sacramento had invited three groups of Samaniji from Ladnau, Rajasthan. The most recent visitors include Madhur Pragyaji and Prasan Pragyaji. Madhur Pragyaji first came to the U.S.A. in 1989 and has since traveled widely all over the world. She took Diksha at the age of 18. She has a Master's Degree in Philosophy, and leads a group of 80 samnijis in Ladnau. She plans to stay in Sacramento for about a year. Prasan Pragyaji took Diksha about 8 years ago and is on her second visit to the U.S.A. Samanijis will stay with various member families and present Pravachans on Wednesdays and Sundays. For further information call Jagdish Shah at 916/6854716 or Naresh Jain at 916/488-2601. 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