Book Title: JAINA Convention 1993 07 Pittusburgh
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 95
________________ 93 JAIN STUDY CENTER OF NORTH CAROLINA COMPUTER BASED JAIN EDUCATION BULLETIN BOARD by Pravin Shah BBS Telephone 1-900-469-0207 purposes without any cost to you. h. Temple openings and Pratistha cerProgress Report: emonial programs of various Jain The first phase of the Jain BBS was temples at Chicago, Detroit, Dallas completed on February 15, 1993. You TX, Cherry Hill NJ, and other cencan access Jain BBS by dialing 1-919 ters. 469-0207 (24 hours a day days a i. Complete Jain Digest issue. week). Access of Jain BBS through Telnet/ Within the first two weeks, about 25 Internet Services. people from fifteen different states dialed into Jain BBS. Eighty percent of Installation of Jain BBS at other Jain them were youths and young adults. Centers: At present, the following informa Jain BBS committee will provide tion is available in the BBS: the complete BBS software and data to any center if interested to a. Jain Education material for youths: establish electronic BBS for their There are thirteen chapters covering community. This will save long important topics of Jain religion. distance telephone charges of the Human virtues: There are thirty local community which occurs two chapters in this section. Each when dialing into North Carolina chapter defines one virtue and its Jain BBS. The following are the importance. At the end of each major terms and conditions: chapter, few stories related to each a. Center should have a dedicated virtue is given. computer and associated hardware c. Comparative religions: An essay compatible to the North Carolina on Shikkhism written by Jigar system (e.g. PC 386 m/c, Tape Shah, Clarksville, TN. backup unit, 80 Meg HD, OS2/DOS Catalog of Jain religion books (par- 5.0). tial list). b. Dedicated telephone line. c. Jain BBS should be available to Activity in progress to be completed common public without any charge, by May 31, 1993: 24 hours a day and seven days a week. a. A summary of Jain Agam literatured. No commercial use of the system. and Jain sects. $50.00 registration fee to Jain Study b. English Pratikraman. Center of North Carolina to cover Youth essays (winner essays of past the cost of tapes, postages, teleseven years of essay competition of phones, misc. etc. Jain Center of Boston). Software registration fee paid d. Shri V. R. Gandhi's Jain literature. directly to the software company (V. R. Gandhi was the first Jain who within 60 days after installation of attended World religion parliament the system. conference 100 years ago (1893) at g. An interface person which has Chicago and stayed in USA for enough computer knowledge. more than two years to spread Jain- Please contact any of the committee ism in USA.) members if you are interested in the e. Marriage information service data installation of the Jain BBS system. (F. J. Dalal). f. Detailed schedules of 7th Biennial Long Term Activity: Jaina convention activities. g. Detailed schedules of Parliament of The following information will be World Religion Conference. available within next one year: d. In what might be the first electronic bulletin board service to provide a major resource of a Jain philosophical system and information, the Jain Study Center of North Carolina and JAINA Federation have established a computer based Jain Bulletin Board System (JAIN BBS). This is also one of the first such community wide program. The Jain BBS is operational since February 15, 1993. With the use of home computer and modem to dial 1919-469-0207 at any time, interested user can obtain a wealth of information free of cost. The Jain religion data base will be available more widely through telnet/internet electronic network systems through out the world. The information available in the Jain BBS can be copied onto your computer, printed on your printer, and distributed freely for non-commercial STE "Mahavira is not the founder of Jainism. He revived the Jaina doctrines. he was more a reformer than the founder of the faith. He was the 24th Tirthankara and the first active propagator." -Swami Shivananda SES - 7TH BIENNIAL JAINA CONVENTION - JULY 1993 - Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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