Book Title: JAINA Convention 1993 07 Pittusburgh
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 101
________________ Future of Jainism. in the West by Sumit Vora Seven Hills, Oio The religion propounded by lord Jina is called Jainism. The follower of the teachings of lord Jina, also known as Arhant, Jinendra, is called a Jain. Lord Jina is the one who has conquered himself that means he has vanquished the enemies of the self, which are delusion, attachment, and aversion. He has mastered all the five senses which are the causes of pleasures and pains and has total control over his mind. He has subjugated all four passions of anger, greed, pride, and deception. He is the one, who has discovered the seven essential principles of the universe called seven Tattvas by self-effort, and self-help which are Jiva(Soul), Ajiva (Non-soul), Asrava (Influx of karma), Bandha (Bondage of karma), Sthavara (Stoppage of karma), Nirjara (Shedding of karma), and Moksha (Karmaless state), and he also has achieved the ultimate liberation of his own soul. Lord Jina is also a Teerthankara, that means one who has kindly, benevolently, compassionately, and voluntarily given the same ultimate knowledge of truth of our universe to the humanity, and all the other souls of the universe. Lord Jina is the one who has established Teerth or ford for others to be able to achieve the same feat of ultimate liberation that he achieved. Jainism is an eternal religion that exists with the etenal universe of ours, and is fundamentally the truth as prevails in this universe. Jainism unequivocally narrates the interactions, and the consequences of such interactions betwen a soul, and non-souls. Our true self or soul is what is within us non-perceptible by our senses, or by other engineer Jain Education international 99 ing or scientific means. The Jainism presents the truth, absolute, as well as relative, as it prevails in our vast universe of unfathomable dimensions. Whether human being exists, or not, religion exists, or not, the truth never vanishes, and hence, Jainism is an eternal, permanent, always present religion (Ref. 1). Jainism preaches Purushartha, that is the self-efforts, and self-help to achieve the desired spiritual goals, and ultimate moksha versus dependence on devotion to certain ESSAY COMPETITION 1ST PLACE COLLEGE LEVEL supreme entity called God. In the west the concept of God is the one who is the creator, maintainor, and caretaker of the universe. He is perceived as the one with magical powers of miracles, healing curing, favoring. punishing, destroying or creating. There is only one such supreme entity who must be awed, respected, and submitted. Jainism perceives God as the one who has omni-perception, omni-knowledge, infinite power, infinite bliss, one who exists within our universe, and still remains detached from the universe. Such God is called Siddha or a soul which has achieved karma free state of the soul for infinite time to come. Such Gods are innumerable. The goal of every soul who is not Siddha is to achieve siddhahood or become such God. The west has come to accept the existence of religions which are Godless per their common concept of God. Buddhism and Jainism are such religions (Ref. 2). Those who seek quick results, and short cuts of making gains by supposedly pleasing someone, those who want to believe in miracles and magic, Jainism will be difficult for them to swallow. Fundamental emphasis of Jainism is on Non-violence in one's thought, speech, and action and also Vegetarianism. Twenty-fourth and the last Jina or Teerthankar of Jainism lord Mahavira, laid down Ahimsa (Nonviolence), Satya (Truth), Achaurya(Non-stealing), Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness), Brahmacharya (Celibacy) as five categories of conduct, for a jain follower. Jainism presented the original, unique and marvelous theories of Anekantvada (Multiple view points theory), and Syadavada (Theory of relativity) to the human race (Ref. 3). Given above introduction of the Jainism one can now consider the future of Jainism in the present environment and trends of our world. The future of Jainism depends on many factors. The Jainism certainly has most rationale philosophy compared with any other religion in the world. Jainism is considered somewhat stricter religion in practice. Jainism is the religion which can certainly appeal to a reasoning man. To have a promising future what we Jains in America do today will determine its future. The burden of leadership squarely lies on the shoulders of Jain Americans for the prosperous future of Jainism in the west. Most of the Jains in America today have come from India, and with them they brought their invaluable inheritance of uniquely supreme religion. Jains now have to share, and disburse this precious treasure of their knowledge in the west in a manner acceptable to the society of different race and culture. First, the resources of Jains in western world and particularly in America need to be reviewed. Jains are a progressive community. Every major city in America has one or other Jain community organization colloquially called Jain Society with Jain religious activities. Jains as usual have been in forefront amongst the professional, and business groups with upper level of social and financial status. Jains in "The time will come when men will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men." 7TH BIENNIAL JAINA CONVENTION - JULY 1993 ForPivate & Personal Use Only -Leonardo da Vinci


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