Book Title: JAINA Convention 1993 07 Pittusburgh
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 102
________________ – 100 - America have a national level organiza- tion called JAINA which is a federation of the Jain Associations in North Amer- ica. Jains have temples in several major cities of America. At least three Jain news papers which are Jaina Digest, Jain Times, and Jain Study Circular are published regularly in America with reli- gious and social news. Jains are known to have built their relations with politicians, influential people, and businessmen in America. Jains regularly invite monks, and religious scholars from India to educate those of us who live in America. There are writing, speaking, swadhyaya (self and group study), and camping activities. There are Jain meetings, conferences, and conventions at national level. Jains are definitely anxious to pass on their religion and its values to the next generation of their children. The activities of Jains in Amercia undoubtedly shows good groundwork to build on for a super structure of Jainism in America. When we view the progress of any religion, we see that it must have the support of the rulers, and dedication of the believers and followers for it to flourish. We live on a continent which is dominated by Christianity. Though, the democracy of America positively dem- onstrates a good deal of tolerance to other religions. Throughout its history, Jainism has never paused intimidation or threat to other religions since, it never believed in force or violence to promote religion. It always believed in human rationality, and right judgment of an individual. It has always experienced welcome from other religions as the denomination that can coexist peacefully What Jains in America should do next is to open the door of its religion and social environment to others in this country. Why it is possible for Jains to go freely in churches, or temples of other religions but others experience uneasiness in coming to Jain functions? Jainism will have to change with time in such a manner that fundamental princi- ples are Delwara temples at Mt. Abu, ples do not change but what changes is and mountain top carving of the statue the rigors of religion with which one can of Bahubali in Sravana-bel-gola in pursue the faith. India, both of which I have visited with One who demonstrates the practices my parents. The lasting establishments of religion himself or herself, and is which these temples and monuments selfless in the persuasion of religion, create, will not only help religion but tend to win the trust of the faith seekers. also the Jain social environment in Such persons are maharaj (monks), and America. mahasatiji (nuns) properly ordained by Another step Jains should take is to the religious order of Jain Sangh. Such help develop the Jain religious scholars persons have voluntarily renounced the right here in america. Help prepare Jain world, and gone through the rigorous scholars from amongst us by encourageprocess of adopting an aloof life in ments, and opportunities. We should search of nirvana or ultimate freedom. also help those in India, who are reliJains in America will have to invite, and giously erudite, to migrate to west, and make arrangements for their permanent help them settle in America. Offer residence, subsistence, travel, and other scholarships, fellowsips, and research necessities of life. They should be sta- funds in American universities for Jain tioned in big cities where the audience is studies. larger, and finance to support is bigger. There is enough work for Jains to Accomplished maharaj often times do in near future. Jains have been dilihave phenomenal impressive mental gent, and religiously generous people. power in support of what they preach. The work ahead demands dedication, Another task for Jains is to establish cooperation, and coordination of Jain network of Jain libraries, and sources communities in America. Jains can where one can achieve the information, surely achieve it, and so the future of awareness, knowledge, and education of Jainism in the west is surely promising, Jainism through the most modern and and bright. technical means. The copies of scriptures, books on Jainism, Jain literatures, References: Jain magazines, audio and video tapes, and other such religious repertoire 1. Jainism: Non-Violence and Relativshould be brought from India, be it in ity; Religion and Science, An artiIndian languages or English. Together cle published in Lotus magazine with putting it in Jain libraries, arrange- issue of June 1991. ments should be made to put them into Dalshukh Malvania: Jainism libraries in America, in homes of Jains, (Some Essays), english translation and also in homes of those who would by Dr. A.S. Gopani, published by explore Jainism as faith. Prakrit Bharati Academy. Monument and temple building Dr. Prem Suman Jain: Essentials of activities should increase. Glamorous Jainism, published by Jain Center temples, religious processes and func of Greater Boston. tions will attract and give due exposure of Jainism to the western people, and hence help towards educatuion of the west. The guidelines to build temples and monuments should be developed based on our history in India which made Jains so world famous for their architectural work. The glaring exam S UIVING "For the benefit of your gullet you have made of yourself a grave for all animals." - Leonardo da Vinci 7TH BIENNIAL JAINA CONVENTION - JULY 1993 For Private & Personal Use Only Jain Education International


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