Book Title: JAINA Convention 1993 07 Pittusburgh
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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________________ - 127 - established. Many people have started making use of this facility. JAINA JAINA EXECUTIVE MAIN HIGHLIGHTS 9. COMMUNITY SERVICES: COMMITTEE MEETINGS JAINA's World Community SerOF ACTIVITIES vices Committee successfully com- The 1991-93 JAINA Executive Commitpleted Project Hope, Project tee meetings were hosted by following Bahubali, and Project MAP. Jain centers. SINCE LAST 10. SEMINARS AT HARVARD UNIJAINA CONVENTION 1. Jain Society of Pittsburgh, PA - VERSITY: JAINA participated JULY 1991 September, 1991. twice at Harvard University semi- 2. Jain Society of Cleveland, OH - nars on Changing Religious Land January, 1992. 1. MEMBERSHIP: Eleven new Jain scape in North America. 3. Jain Society of Greater Atlanta, GA centers/associations became mem - May, 1992. bers of JAINA. Now the member- 11. CONSTITUTION AMEND 4. International Mahavir Jain Mission ship stands at 56. MENT: To reflect changing needs, USA, Siddhachalam and Jain CenJAINA's Constitution was amended ter of America - at Siddhachalam, 2. JAIN DIGEST: Quality, quantity, and approved by the Board of NJ - September, 1992. coverage and circulation has grown Directors. 5. Jain Society of Pittsburgh, PA - steadily. March, 1993 12. INTER FAITH ACTIVITIES: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE JAINA through member organiza- JAINA thanks the Jain communities of MEETINGS: JAINA Executives, tions participated in several Inter the above centers for hosting and particCommittee Chairpersons and Direc- Faith Activities. ipating in the meetings. tors met five times at four different Jain centers. 13. PARLIAMENT OF WORLD'S RELIGIONS: JAINA is joining the JAINA MEMBERSHIP 4. JAINA LIBRARY: JAINA Library World Jain community under one SEES STEADY PROGRESS in Toronto has relocated to Jain common and unified umbrella - Society of Toronto Center. A toll "THE JAINS" - in the centennial free phone no. 1-800-99-JAINA Since last Convention in 1991, follow celebration of this great event in was established. More books were ing Jain centers have become members August/September 1993, in Chi of JAINA added to the main library at Lub cago. bock, Texas. Several Jain centers and individuals borrowed books 1. Jain Society of Fort Myers - Fort 14. VISITS AND CONTACTS WITH Myers, FL from the libraries. MEMBER JAIN ORGANIZA 2. Augusta Jain Community - TIONS: Members of the JAINA 5. YOUTH ACTIVITIES: St. Louis Augusta, GA Executive visited many member Jain Center / JAINA summer camp Jain Society of Alberta, Edmonton - organizations and maintained regu Alberta, Canada was held in July/August 1992. lar contacts. President of JAINA JAINA Executive voted to hold a 4. Jain Association of Greater Jack alone visited following Jain centers: separate Youth Biennial Convention sonville - Jacksonville, FL Albany, Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, 5. International Alumni Association of starting in 1994. Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Shri Mahavir Jain Vidyalay Dallas, Detroit, Honolulu, Los 6. PUBLICATIONS/VIDEOS: Two 6. Jain Society of Pittsburgh - Pitts Angeles, Middle Tennessee, New books - PRATIKRAMAN and burgh, PA Orleans, New York, Ottawa, Pitts 7. Jain Society of Memphis - MemALOYANA - were translated, burgh, San Diego, San Francisco, printed and mailed to all Jains in phis, TN and Toronto. North America. Through the cour 8. Jain Center of Middle Tennessee - tesy of Institute of Jainology, Lon- Clarksville, TN 15. RELATIONSHIP WITH WORLD don (U.K.), a video on Tirthankar 9. Prerana, Yoga and Meditation Soci JAIN COMMUNITY: JAINA has Bhagwan Shri Mahavir was made ety - Morgantown, WV consistently maintained contacts available to Jains in North America. 10. Jain Center of Greater Hartford - and dialogues with Jain leaders in Hartford, CT India, U.K., Singapore, Japan, AusAHIMSA DAY CELEBRATIONS: 11. Jain Center of Greater Phoenix - tralia, and other countries. Phoenix, AZ For the first time, several Jain centers celebrated Ahimsa Day on first 16. JAINA COMMITTEES: To Sunday in October, 1992. JAINA welcomes all these increase and improve the scope of associations and their JAINA's activities, JAINA estab8. JAINA ELECTRONIC BULLElished 33 national committees. family members. TIN BOARD: An electronic bulle Brief reports of several of these tin board on many topics was committees are included here. Jacuucation ematoma - 7TH BIENNIAL JAINA CONVENTION - JULY 1993 - 3.


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