Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 58
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 388
________________ 246 INDEX .. 89 8, 9 204 2, 3 199 .. .. 115 evil spirite, 75, 76, 86; (and disease), 124, 125; Galathea .. .. .. A.I. 11 (in Burma), 226 .. . . A.I. 36 Galava exorcism (among the Burmese) .. Gama, Vasco da (in Calicut) .. .. .. 178 eyebrows, (meeting) .. .. 88 gambling (in the East) .. . Eyilpattinam .. .. 8, 175, 176 ... **!! S.P. 30 ganda (reference to, by Albirani) .. .. 170 Gandhira, (Buddhist art in) .. .. 111, 112 Gandhdra . .. . ..... .. A.C. 1 Gandharva (form of marriago) .. .. 7, 8, 10 Ganesa ratha .. .. .. S.P. 19, 21, 23, 24 Gangdedgara Ganga (in Kashmir) conquered by Tibet .. .. .. .. .. .. 150 Ganges, the (and Arjuna's penance) S.P. 20, 21 Factors (E. I. Co.'s) .. 188-190 Gangess of Mithila (Tattvacinamasi of), 202, FA-Hsien (on Buddhist life in Turkestan), 148 ; 230-232; (and Navya-Nydya) .. .. 206 219, 220, A.C. 18; (on New Rajagrha) . 177 Gonjam (captured by the Qutb Shâhîs) .. 68 farmdn ('phirmaund') granted to the E. I. Co., gaokerona. See White Haoma. 72n., 74, 93, 115, 116 garbhpahdra (removal from the womb) .. 168 Farrukh-riyar (dethronement of) .. 51 Gåro ethnology, materials for the study of, 121-127 fatal bride, the .. .. .. I GÅros, the .. .. .. .. .. 121-127 fauna (of the Andamans) ' .. .. A.L. 10 Garuda (on coing), 20; (connexion with the nec. Federici, Cesare de (on Vijayanagara) .. .. 59 tar of immortality), 134; .. S.P. 24, 26 feeding of Bråhmans .. .. Gauda Brahmananda. See Brahmananda females, (limitations of) .. .. Sarasvati. Fergusson, (on Arjuna's penance) .. S.P. 19 GaudapAda (Karikas of) .. .. .. .. 203 fire (among the Andamanos) .. A.I. 35, 37 Gauda Parnananda Kavi-Chakravarti (Tattuafire sacrifice (in the Kathdsaritadgara). 133, 134 muktdvall Mdydudida-datadigani of) .. Firishta (on Orissa) .. .. 28–32; 61, 67n. Gauri. See Umi. fish-eyes (and eye disease) . 83 & n. Gautama (in the Kathdearitadgara) .. flors (of the Andamans) .. A.I. 11 gâydanr festival in ShåhåbAd, Bihår .. Flower, Sir W. (and the Andamanese).. Gayer, Sir John .. ... flower-names " (Andamanese) A.I. 39 gazat (gazak) (used by Jahangir).. .. .. 170 flying through the air .. .. .. 88, 118 Gedrovia (province) (modern Kalat State) .. 211 France (and England, at war) .. .. 118 Geldner, Prof., on the meaning of passages in Franciscans (ffranciscan) (Friars) .. .. 52 French, the (and the English, in India), 68, the Kaphaka Upanişad), In., 3n., 4n., 6n.; (on 69, 70, 73, 94, 97, 118 abhva), 101, 102, 104107; on admasad), 163, folklore (folk-talea) (in the Kathdsaritadgara), 156, 167; (on ukhacchid) . . . . . . 163 geography, of the Andamans .. AL 37 41, 44-45 . food (Andamanese) A.I. 9-12 .. geology of the Andamang .. A. I. 18, 30 foods (which are taboo) Georgee, Mr. (adviser to the Governor of Surat) 73 Forbes, Mr. (and the House of Jodhpur) .. 60 Gerini, (and the Andamang) .. .. A.I. 12 forest spirits (tree spirits). See spirits. Gesar dynasty of Ladakh .. .. .. 152 Fort St. George .. .. .. 95, 115, 117 Gerta Romanorum (on the Poison Damsel) .. 45 Fort St. George, early development of the gov. ghafika-pala (meaning of) ernment of the Presidency of, 188-191, 212—218 Ghazi, the Mustafa Kamal Pasha) .. .. 192 Fort Sandeman (ancient mounds near) . 65 ght (me tax) .. .. .. .. 169 Foster, Sir Wm. (and the Dutch records of In- Chiy Agu'd din JalAl Shah of Bengal (and Orissa), dian history) .. .. .. .. . 120 66, (and MA dd) .. .. .. .. .. 237 Foxcroft, Mr. George .. .. 190, 212, 217 Ghörband .. .. A.C. 13, 14, 17, 18, 22 Futu-sin, k. See Vijayasimha. ghosts (belief in) .. .. .. .. 75-77 ghost-theory (of Herbert Spencer) .. .. 123 Gilgit (conquered by Tibet) .. Gilgiti şhiņå language .. .. gingall, (ginjall, jinjall) (suggested der term) .. .. .. .. .. .. 171 Giribbaja, Giribhaja (Rajagrha) .. .. 177 Girivraja (two towns of the name in ancient India) .. .. .. .. .. .. 177 gaidar. Soo gâydâpr: Glas-ru (Tibetan name for Gospinga) .. .. 152 Gajapatis of Orissa, (conquests of) 63, and Vija- Gnostics, (Christian) (and the Kargyútra) .. 238 yanagara .. .. .. . ..64, 66, 68 Goa, 62; (horse trade of).. .. .. .. 59 .. 82 2 . .. .. 162


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