Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 58
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 402
________________ 260 INDEX . .. 228 .. 120 seal of a Janapada .. 139 Sipah-salar Aḥmad 'Ali, Miangul, Seaward temple, Mahabalipuram . S.P. 27 A.C. 18 Seoretum aecretorum and the Poison Damsel.. 45 Sir Ashutosh Memorial Volume (edited by J. N. seiktha, (Burmese nat) .. .. .. Samaddar) (book-notice) . . . . . . 199 Somangs (and Andamanese) .. .. A.I. 14, 15 Sirkap, Raja, (and Bar-sar) .. .. A.C. 29 Sen. Surrendranath, Military System of the Sirupdgdruppadai .. .. S.P. 29, 30 Marathis.. . .. .. .. 100 Sisilottos (Indian deserter, joins Alexander), Senart (and Kharoşthi documents) .. .. 111 A.C. 28, 32n. Senior, Mr. .. . A.I. 45 Sita Devi, (as motherhood of God) . .. 130 Sentinel isls. .. .. ..A.I. 5, 6, 9 Sitavana (and New Rajgir) JBA) .. .. .. 176 serpaws. See ear-u-pd. sittringy, (shatrany) .. . .. .. 209 Settlement, (first Andaman, under Blair) A.I. 13 Śiva, (in the Kathdaaritadgara), 41-44, 47, 136, Sovadaru castle .. .. .. .. . 137; (and Arjuna's penance), S.P. 20–22, 24; Sevagee (Sivaji) .. .. .. .. .. 95 26, 28; (Somaskanda).. S.P. 26, 27 Seven Pegodas, notes on the, (contd. from vol. Sivaji, 58, 59; (and the E. L. Co., in Surat), 94, LVII) .. .. .. ..S.P. 17–32 95, 212; (and the Marath& navy) .. .. 100 seventeenth century Ms. See M8., seventeenth Sivanasamudram .. .. .. .. 64 skull-wearing in the Kathdsaritadgara) .. century. 11 Sewell, Mr. Robert (on Vijayanagara) .. 68, 69 slavery, in Madras .. .. .. 215, 216 Shah Alam (defest of) .. slaves (obtained from the Andamans) .. A.I. 12, 13 Shah Alam II (and the Northern Sarkdrs) .. 68 sloop, (and the soul) .. .. .. 75, 76 ShahidAn, (fortified remains st).. 54 Sloane MS., the .. .. . . .. .. 178 Shahi Yola Mira, (Kushân chief) monastery floka (measure) in the Bakhshalt MS. .. .. 140 founded by Smrti texte (and mimps) . .. .. .. 201-203 Shah Jahan (at Manda).. sokha (witch-doctor) .. .. .. .. 236 ShAh Jahan II .. Soma, 220. See also White Haoma. .. .. .. Shah Isma'il Ghazi .. .. .. Bðmadova (beliefs of the time of, expressed Shah Navânz Khân (Samsamu'd-daula) .. .. 50 in the Kathdsaritadgara), 6-8, 11, 42, 4447, Shaikh (Sheik) Ahmad, friend to Mir Názim) .. 96 85, 87, 88, 90, 131-136 Shaikh Nuru'd-din of Tsrår. Soe Nand Rishi. Somaskanda. See Śiva. sonants, Dravidian .. .. 3638 Shalkau pass .. . .. .. 18 A.C. Bons, possession of, (in the Kathasaritadgara) .. 41 Sham Ded, (hormitoss) and Nand Rishi .. 197 soul, the (and sleep), 75, 76; (Garo beliefs about), Shang .. .. .. .. .. A.C. 26 122-124; (Burmese conception of), 226; Shans (Siamese Chinese raco), 225; (sacrifices Kachin belief in), 227; (Andamanesp beliefs offered by) .. .. .. .. .. 228 regarding), A.I. 36, 37; (the wandering soul, Shan-Shan, kingdom, 152. Soo also Lou-lan. non-Aryan belief) .. .. .. .. 131 aspiratra (sacrifice) .. .. 53 South Andaman isl. .. .. .. A.I. 16, 21 Shigar, titles of the dukes of .. .. .. 110 South Sentinel isl. .. .. ..A.I. 41-44 Shih-li-ch'a-la-lo, co. .. 57, 58 spells, of witches in the Kathdearitadgara), 85-87 Shingrawa (man-creator of the earth) .. .. 227 SpinwAm .. .. .. .. .. 54 Shin-kun (Nepal). .. 160 Spirit, the, (in the Kathaka Upanigad) .. .. 4,5 shinlaung (novice) spirit, spirits, (evil), 75, 76, 86, 124, 125, 226, Shitta (the moon).. .. .. 227 A.I. 36; (three kinds of), 123; (the Water, the shrine, a Kachin forest .. .. .. 225-229 Tree), 132, 133; (guardian, in Burma), 227; shroffe (sarrája), money changers 93, 96 (rovered by the Kachins) .. .. 227, 228 Shore Temple (Mahabalipuram) S.P. 25, 26, 28 Ardvakas, (and drdvikeds) .. .. .. .. 167 Shu-lig. See Kashgar. Srenys (Bimbisára) .. .. .. .. 177 Siddhartha (the Buddha) at Rajagrha .. 176, 177 Sri, (odk) .. .. .. .. .. 128, 130 Sidi, (Sidhi) Ya'qub Khân, 70, 72–74, 97, 116 . Śri Anandan (title of Joseph Rabbân).. 23 &n. Sieg, Prof. (and the Kathaka Upanigad) . In. Śri-Chaitanys (and Orissa) .. 63, 67; 204, 231 Silappadhikaram historical references in S.P. 31 Sri Chaitanya-Charitampita .. . 61, 67 silver, importation of, by the E. I. Co. 93, 94 Sridhara (Advayasiddhi of), 204 ; (Nydya-kanSirnhAchalan, victory pillar, 65. Temple .. 66 dals of) .. .. .. .. .. 202, 233 Sirnhavarman, in the Amaravati pillar inscrip Sri Krishna, (as the Word) .. .. 129, 130 tion . . .. .. . S.P. 29 Sri Kredvatára-ud (composed in Kashmiri by Simhavishņu (dynasty of). 237; and Mahabali. Dins-Natha) translated and transcribed in puram .. .. .. .. 8.P. 28, 29, 31 Roman characters by Sir G. A. Grierson, Sindibdd Nama .. .. .. .. 86 K.C.L.E. (book-notice) Sinlap, (a benevolent nat) . 227, 228 óri Kurumba, (KAI) .. .. .. .. 178 Sino Kharoşthi coins. See coins, Sino-Kha- Srimadgrham Rajgrham .. .. .. . rosthi. | Srinatha Bhattachårya (Samkhyaprayoga of) .. 206 .. 166


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