Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 58
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, S Krishnaswami Aiyangar, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarka
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 404
________________ 262 INDEX 79 .. 70 .. 127 230 Tattvacintdmaxi-didhiti (by Raghunatha siro. mani) .. .. .. .. .. .. 231 Tattvamuktavalt Máydvdda-data-ddag .. 204 Taungthas (sacrifices offered by the) . .. 228 taut (pdf) (very early use of word) .. .. 209 Taxila .. .. .. .. .. A.C. 29, 30 taxes, (granted to Malabar Christians), 14, 15; levied in Madras .. . .. 214, 215 Tarkiratu's-saldtin-i-Chashtaiyd on Ajit Singh.. 49 Telingana, history of, 28-32; 61, 63, 68, in. scription from .. .. .. .. 33 Tellaru .. . S.P. 28 Telugu, plosives in, 35—38, 137, surds in, 138, 139 Telugu inscription .. Temple, Sir Richard The Empire of The Great Mogol .. St. Thomas The Apostle and India .. Journal of The Bombay Historical Society, I, No. I .. .. .. The Names of Relatives in Modern Arja Languages .. .. .. .. Buddhism in Pre-Christian Britain .. Annual Report on Southern Epigraphy, 1926 1927 .. .. .. .. Military System of The Mardfhde .. Pratap Singha .. Walking on The Water, Indian and Christ Miracles .. .. .. .. .. 118 The Pilgrimage of Buddha .. .. Tibet's Great Yogi Milarepa .. .. teng-lar-ula (Andamanese, womb-name) A.I. 38 tengd, also finta (meaning of) .. .. tend-kardla, note on .. .. .. 176, 176 fenfa-adra, (tenfaadid) (a gambling house) ...176 Teresa, isl. .. .. .. .. A.I. 5 Terdram .. .. .. .. .. 8.P.21, 22 thablit, (begging-bowl) .. .. .. .. 166 Thadukuki tribe .. .. .. .. .. 199 Thakot .. .. .. .. A.C. 29 tham, (king), title of the dukes of Shigar .. 110 "The Four Garrisons," (meaning Turkestan), 147, 150, 151 theft tales in the Kathdaaritadgara) thein (shrine) .. .. .. .. 166 Theodosius, a coin of .. . . . . .. . . 29 S.P. Thinthakardla, (the gambler) .. .. 178, 176 thirst, transference of .. .. .. .. 77 Thomas, Prof. F. W., on Khotanese name .. 108 Thomas, Saint and Apostlo, (and Malabar), 13 & n. ; (wme he in South India 1), 113, 114; (legend of), 178. (Christians of). See Christians of. See also St. Thomas. Thomas Cana, copper-plates of .. .13n., 14, 16 throne, jewelled, removed from Vijayanagara .. 61 thug, (thag) (early use of word, by Barni) .. 209 Thuppayi (Toeppasse) Christians. See Chris. tians, Thappayi. Tibet (and magic), 47: (geographical works on), I 108, 109, (Ladakh), 111; (Western) .. 149, 150 Tibet's Great Yogi, Milarepa, (edited) by W. Y. .. .. 238 Tibetan documents, found in Turkestan .. 152 Tibetans and Turkestan .. .. 108, 150—152 Timsittivu, (the Andamang and Nicobars), A.I. 12 time (Vedantic conception of) .. .. 129n. Tirahi language .. .. . .. 19 Tir Corunfa, pagoda .. .. . Tirthaikaras, the .. .. .. 167, 168 Tirukalukkunsam.. .. S.P. 22, 28 Tirukkurumpe (Tir Corunfa). Soe Sri Kurumba. Tirumala .. .. .. .. . 58, 59 Tirumala Raghavaraya (or Kanthardya). Seo Tirumala Rautardya. Tirumala Rauteráya (Rahuttarar ya) captured. 64 Tirumangni Alvar (and Mahabalipuram), S.P. 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32 Tirunelli inscription .. 18n., 21, 26, 27 Tiruvanchikkulam (Varchi) .. .. 22 Titaije tribe .. A.L. 43 Tiyas. See flavas. Tod, Col. on Ajit Singh .. .. .. 48—51 Toksie tribe .. . A.L. 43 Tokharian language .. .. 149 Tokmak .. .. .. .. 147 To-lo-po-ti, co. .. .. 57, 58 Tomo (first ancestor of the Andamanese) A.I. 37 Tondaimán Illandiraiyan of Kafichi, S.P. 28, 30, 31 Topasses .. Torwl .. . A.C. 1, 2, 13 totemism .. . ttade (of the E. I. Co.), 69, 71–74, 93, 97, 116 118; (private), 180, 191 Indga (origin of term) .. .. .. .. 210 transformation, (of man into animals) in the Kathdearitedgara) .. .. .. .. 131 transmigration of the soul, in the Kathdaarit dgara, 90, 131 ; (Garo belief) .. .. .. 122 Trasadasyu, k. .. .. .. .. .. 12 travel (through the air) in the Kathdaaritadgara, 46, 88, 89 travellers, purification of .. .. .. 76 tree. See Wishing tree. tree-spirits .. .. .. .. .. 132, 133 Trikurat (good forest-spirit) .. .. .. 227 Trita Aptya, by Prof. K. Rönnow (book-notice), 220 Trvikrama .. .. .. .. ..S.P. 23, 24 Terkr, vil, near Nand Rishi's homo, 194, 195, 222 Tea-dan-Jo-bo (the Bhagavan of Sandalwood), 112 Tukka, d. of Prat&parudra ... .. .. 68 Tukue, the. See Drugu. tuld, (measure of grain) .. .. .. 162 Tuluva dynasty of Vijayanagara . . 58 tumsa (exorcist) .. .. Turffin district, Tibetan documents found at .. 162 turi deogd (meaning of) .. .. .. .. 84 Turkestan (Chinese) history of, 108, 109 (Indian title used in), 110, 112; (second Chinese ad. vance into), 147-150 ; (Tibetan dominion in), 150–152 turkey, the (Jahangir's description of) .. .. 210 Turkish script. Seo script, Turkish. .. 175 .. 228


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